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Meeting in 4 weeks...after 6 years talking online


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theres no harm in trying

not taking action takes you no where

mind you

if you leave her alone she could come running back to you

so id say give it another shot

if nothing happens then leave it

still nothing happeing after some time

try again

me and my wee cyber pal had ups an downs

times whn we didnt talk

tiems when he ignored me

tryig to forget about me

but he couldnt

hes still infactuated

but evryones story is different

wel see how yours go so keep us updated

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my name is kara

i dunno

i been on this topic

why did you cheat? or soemthing

im sayign a lot of you know fair balanced open minded opinions...i think so

and mostly evryoens like aaaah cheaters burn them and totally shooting me down on what i have to say though i know im totally validated

so hmm

theyl just have to put up withme or something lol


Hey Kara sorry for the late repsons..lol.



I see your getting use to the site. And your right it is balanced also i find there are a lot more people who can relate, to my problems and issues

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I met my boyfriend online, I'm in England he's in Denmark. We started talking in June so it hasn't been as long but we have had the nights where we've chatted on the phone till sunrise daily skype conversations with webcams and we became very very close. We started getting feelings for eachother and once we were both clear on it we arranged to meet in person We met in person on January 2nd when he flew to London to see me and I was nervous as hell! On my way I was all shakey and anxious. At arrivals in Heathrow I was bloody terrified but once the two of you start talking it all calms down and it quickly becomes very normal Nerves are so normal, but it won't last too long.

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