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How to get a girlfriend?

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Over the last year i really wanted to get a girlfriend. Im a sophmore in highschool and am not ugly im also a really nice guy who never gets mad. I almost was in a relationship but it ended before it started because i was too shy. I'm having trouble finding a girlfriend because i hang out with a group of friends that are all boys. We hardly ever talk to girls. I like this girl but i do not know how to start a relationship with her. Any suggestions?

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Confidence is the key to attracting girls. If you believe in yourself, then the girls will think you are somebody worth spending time on. Confidence doesn't usually come over night, and it surely doesn't come just sitting around doing nothing... so why don't you approach this girl that you like and just start talking to her like it's no big deal. You said it yourself, you're not ugly and you're a nice guy. You have nothing to worry about, besides some girls think that shy guys are cute. Everybody is shy at one point or time, but at some point in your life you need to get over it and it might as well be now. You'll look back on it and be happy that you did and realize it was no big deal.

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i think a guy who is nice to me is the best type of guy, but i agree don't be too nice cos' then she might think ur just faking it. just try to talk to her when u can just talk bout something you like and ask her what she likes, and if she ignores you don't worry. Girls are very hard to impress sumtimes. mostly just smile, smile and i'm sure u'll get her even if ur ugly cos' it shows that ur confident. stretch those lips up, gals usually like guys who smile at them

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Do you just think he's faking it, or is it also because you want a guy to have 'a spine', to be a real man that you have to chase sometimes.


Little example: Newlyweds, show on MTV with Jess Simpson en Nick Lachey. Nick ate onions and had a bad breath. Jess says: if you eat less oinions you will get more kisses.


Nick am not going to eat less good food to get more kisses".


He meant this as a joke, and is still caring and good to her. But this is what I mean by not being too nice. A nice guy would say: oh ok, darlin'

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Hi m3636,


I know what your going through, it wasn't long ago i was in the same situation. The best thing to do is try and overcome you shyness if you like something about her use that as something to give you the confidence and courage to go up and start talking to her. When you see her make eye contact take a look at her body langauge when your about e.g. what she does and how she stands.


Be nice to her, as said by Superfly81 too much isn't always a good idea. Just be yourself that's all you can be it get's alot easier once you've done it once.


Hope this helps


- whitefang

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send her a note asking if she likes you and would she be willing to give up her phone numbers and talk to you on the phone..and tell your friends to go up to her and tell her how much of a cool person you are..Thatll work probally ..if it doesnt atleast she knowz or if ur standing by here just say whatsup and smile and shed do it too and u can be like "are you 's cousin?" or something like that..conversation start

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shyguy, I'm sorry. I would not recommend this tactic. It only works in the movies. "would you be willing..." is not confident, and you need to be confident. Doing it by a note is another mistake. I would do it in person.


The biggest task there is to be done here is overcoming shyness! Try saying hi to women you don't know while you pass them by! You will get better at it and eventually dare to ask the girl out as if you were ordering a burger. It takes devotion, time and hard work to become like this, but it can be done. I am the livingproof of it! I was a nice guy, and still am, but don't have any of the side-effects that occur when a nice-guy tries to talk to women!

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  • 4 weeks later...

okay im a boy who spotted a girl in my class and she is really smart and she is great!!!!! i'm really intrested in her and i dont know how to attract her attention. all i know is that she has the same music intrest as me as we both play the piano


any suggestions?????? i dont know how to communicate with her because i'm kinda shy. i try not to talk to her and i act all nervous or speak unclearly when shes around and i try to ignore her even though i have a crush on her


plz help asap

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Hi cz_raptor,


The best thing to do is when you next see her around or when your going into class just say "hi". Let her know that you exist and that your there, who knows what might happen. It's normal to be shy around a girl that you like it's all part of being human, when you talk to her talk as you normally would. Just be yourself around her, that's all you can be and im sure things will happen and you'll feel alot better about doing it and your confidence will go up a notch.


Hope this has helped


- whitefang

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It's kind of hard to explain, you'll know when to take it up a notch, try and grab her attention some how. When i liked this girl before (and still do) i just went up to her and said hi and asked her what she was up too or just ask how she was sort of thing. You can usually tell whether a girl likes you when you observe their body language, you'll see a different things e.g. playing with her hair, stance or position of body when talking and direct eye contact that sort of thing usually means a good vibe for liking someone.


I hope this helps, if you need anymore help you can PM me .


- whitefang


* Because your topic has spilled into someone elses i can split them from this topic and create you a new one where you'd get more response. Let me know if you want me to split it and i'll give it a go for you.

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