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Feeling very alone right now ex' new guy posting

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videos of them on the internet and the latest was him filming a family get together. This just shows me our permanately I am out of the equation after 12 years of marriage and 14 together. After 4.5 months of separation how is she so into him. Why is he putting these videos up on the internet other than to show how proud he is and rubbing it in to me.

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I know exactly how you feel...and I am so sorry that you are going through this. Aside from the pain of loosing someone, you have to go on and loose that other family you had. I wasn't married as long as you were, but the something similar happened to me.


When my ex left me, after only three weeks of him being gone, he had created a new myspace profile in which he had like 100 pictures of him and his new girlfriend, just kissing and there was even one of them holding KY jellies for both of them, he had all sorts of things, he even went as far as posting " now that I am in this relationship, I enjoy being naked because sex doesn't feel like a chore, its something I want to do".

I had never been so humiliated in my life. That's just one example of some of the things he has done to me.


I am lucky because his whole family are on my side and they have even gone as far as telling me that they don't care if they loose him because they have gained someone much better...


However, I know what it feels like when you feel that you have been cut out of that persons life. The question I used to ask myself all the time was...if he is happy then why is he going through the trouble of forcing me to see these things...I came to the conclusion that he was doing that because he wanted me to be miserable.


Don't allow him to do that to you...I wish you the best of luck.

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