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I'm terrified, PLEASE help me

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For starters, I'd like to thank you for taking the time to read this. Like the subject reads, I'm terrified. I just finished leaving my boyfriend's house (actually, I was practically in tears begging him to drive me home) because his younger sister began vomiting. I have a rather weak immune system and tend to get sick a lot and was TERRIFED by the idea of catching the stomach flu. I began washing my hands like mad, and when my boyfriend dropped me off I didn't want to kiss him since germs are spead through the mouth, and he let me know he thought I was being stupid and acting like a psychopath. I know it sounds unreasonable but I cannot help myself! I'm really scared of germs to begin with but one of my worst fears is vomiting. I'm still terrified at the moment and my boyfriend is mad at me. I don't know what to do. Please help me.

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Hi there. I'm no psychiatrist, but it sounds like you have a phobia -- an extreme reaction to something, to the point it almost paralyzes you. Me, I'm careful not to get sick, but it seems like you think getting the stomach flu = death. It's not. I think it's good you're cautious, but you can be cautious and level-headed. You don't have to be cautious and freaking out.


One obvious solution is to get help. Tell your doctor or a school counselor, and ask for help in desensitizing yourself to the threat of getting sick. Your fear of illness is causing you problems. If you don't want to do it for yourself, do it for your boyfriend. Good luck!

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Try not to worry so much. Even though you washed your hands many times, it doesn't mean that you won't still catch it, because germs are airborne. The only thing that you can do is try to stop stressing out, because stress does contribute to weakening the immune system.


I know exactly how you feel. Although my case is worse. I'm taking Microbiology right now, and we have to grow all of these bacterial cultures, such as Strept. and E. coli. It's disgusting, especially when you're growing these colonies all of the time, and your face is literally up against the culture plates/tubes. It's even more gross when we have to open up refrigerators and incubators, this whiff of air just blows in your face. It's so nasty!


Trust me, your boyfriend's sister's vommiting is not as bad. I'm scared that I might catch onto one of those bacterial infections. We're growing bacteria with flagella right now, I'm just just disgusted with the thought that they might be motile and crawling in my stomach....Eeww.


What I normally do after my micro class, is use rubbing alchohol and rub all of my fingers and the crevaces of my nails before I touch anything else in my house.


In your case, I'd say

-dress warm, try not to stress

-drink warm water (it helps to kill off the bacteria on the back of your throat)

- rest

-Steam- Steaming is important, if you have a facial steamer, breath in the steam so that the warm air can help to kill of the virus that could have potentially settled in your nostrils, before they begin to multiply. Your nose is one of the coldest parts of your body, a great environment where germs/bacteria love thrive on. (sidenote: don't pick your nose with your fingers. All of that bacteria/germs get stuck in your fingernails and transfer into your nose that way, thereforeeee, making you more suseptible to colds. If you want to pick your nose, then blow on it, or use kleenex, or Q-tip, but whatever it is, don't use your bare fingers).


-Ibuprofin-or any nighttime medications would be nice. Specifically take the flu medications, and rest immediately.

-Eat non solid foods so that your body doesn't have to use up extra energy to burn it off. (Ex-pasta)

-Stay away from anything too fatty/sugary- fats/sugars actually help to cultivate/incubate the bacteria/viruses.


Hope this helps. Stay warm, and have a good night sleep!

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You have what is commonly termed an obsessive/complusive personality. This is a very common trait, many, many people are obsessive/compulsive and don't even know it. The most common manifestation is worrying about something and then performing a task (often repetitively) to alleviate the worry. That is you obsess about something the act compulsively to rid your obsession. Do not worry about it unless it starts to impact your day to day life. From what you have posted that does not seem to be the case. Just think about it as one of your little quirks.

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