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She's my best friend and the only girl I love and this is it

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I have known this girl since the beginning of my senior year, which was in 2002 and I've been in love with her ever since. We have a great friendship, but its been rocky because of our confusion of our feelings for each other. I have been in love with her since I knew her, but I myself did not know what love was till recently.


We have had many near hook ups and after the last one, where she gave me my first kiss and things happened afterwards, like a 15 year old she now regrets going out with, I turned into a bitter and angry person. I hated her for what she did to me even though she apolized. I had totally lost control of myself and my dark side had finally come out. But what finally brought be back was her pictures and various mementos I have of her. Then I called her and I apolized for what I have done. Now, we talk a lot again and we see each other a lot.


So now, I have come to a decision. I am going to ask her out. I honestly don't know what she will say, but I promised myself if she says no that I won't let it get me down. But I can't promise that to myself. Yesterday was her 18th b-day and I had to work. I originally had the day off, but someone had quit. So on my break, I went to her party and gave her a manga and a red rose, her favorite. I took a 45-minutes out of my 30-minute break to be there. Yes, I was risking a bit, but I didn't care. Today and tomorrow, I have to work. Thursday, my day off, I will ask her out. I plan on bring her with me on my usual day off activities. Which is to go play DDR, Dance Dance Revolution. Luckily, she plays the game too. Plus, Putt-Putt is kind of our "place". If anyone has some pointers stuff, I'm be glad to hear 'em. Wish me luck or pray for me, which ever you believe.

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