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Scared and Worried


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I'm scared and worried because my girlfriend might be late for her period. We had sex about 6 times last month, twice unprotected. The first time that we had unprotected sex she immediately got Plan B, the morning after pill. The second time we had unprotected sex was about 2 days ago. I didn't cum inside her both times that we did have unprotected sex, but I'm aware that their is a possability that there is semen in pre-cum. She currently has all the symptoms of her period like mood swings (really bad where she'll be really happy one minute and sad the next), food cravings, minor cramps, etc. She does not, however, have tender breats.


In the middle of the month she had a Urinary Infection and they took a urine sample and I'm sure if she had anything then, that the test would have detected something. I believe this was after we had unprotected sex the first time.


She is also beginning to run track this season so that also might contribute to her period maybe being late. Plus the morning after pill can also contribute to her period being late as well.


I'm just worried that she isn't going to get her period and I don't know why. She isn't on birth control yet, and is going to take it as soon as she gets her period. She was suppose to get her period sometime today or yesterday, and she hasn't gotten it today yet. I'm just really worried. What do you think? Am I overreacting a little?

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You can never tell really. There are some many things that determine when a period will or won't start. Some of the things you stated could possibly delay the onset of her period. I think you may need to wait a couple of days to know for sure.


You know what I am going to say now, but I am going to say it anyway. You should not be having unprotected sex unless you want to have a child. Its not worth the stress you are putting on yourself or your girlfriend just for a few minutes of bliss. I know it feels better without the dreaded condom for for crying out loud use them!!!


Also, if she does get on the pill make sure she takes it at around the same time everyday religiously. Otherwise you will be surprised how ineffective it can be.


Good luck. Hope your not a daddy yet!

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I do believe you may be overreacting a little. You've listed quite a few reasons which could explain the late period, plus it's only a day or so late! That is NOT a big deal at all, especially if she's still a teenager. However, if she has not begun menustrating in a week or so and you're still rather concerned, just get her to take a pregnancy test.

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Thanks guys. I think I feel a little bit better about things. I realized that she also has two more days until her period is suppose to come because there are only 29 days in feb. So that also may be a contributing factor. I think things are pretty ok since she's having symptoms and her period is still 2 days till it's suppose to be. Plus she's a teenager and the other contributing factors might also cause it to be late.

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It's always hard not to worry when these situations arise. And i am the QUEEN of Worrying.


You shouldn't start to worry until her period hasn't come on the day, plus or minus 2, it should have. The best way to absolve your worries is to get a pregnancy test or go to the doctor's to do this. It's probably your best bet to go to a doctor and tell him everything you have told us here at enotalone and he coudl tell you more precisely than any othe rperson here what may be happening. Other wise, you should really consider getting your girl a home preg test ONLY on the day she should have gotten her period.


The other thing you should remember is that periods come late. Usually when you don't expect it to. It's normal. I remember when my period came late A WEEK (and i'm alwyas on time) I FREAK thought I WAS PREGNANT!!! But no, i wasn't !! So sometimes its late b/c its just late! And the other thing i've learnt from experience is, the more i worry about the what if i'm pregnant etc etc...the worry delays my period even more!!


Always HAVE protected sex so that you relieve your worries. So don't creat worries for yourself. Hope the best for you! Get your girl a preg test

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