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Just got an idea on how to ask her out... Its it any good?


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Okay, I'm a pretty shy guy. At least I am when it comes to starting conversations and asking girls out.


There's this girl that I liked last year. And much to my surprise, she liked me (her friends told me out of nowhere). We've been kinda separate from eachother due to different classes first semister this year. This semister though, we have 2 classes together. We've gotten really close recently. I've been thinking on how I can ask her out. I finally came up with this really funny idea. Not sure if its any good. I need some advice.


Okay, my bus gets to our school about 15-20 minutes before classes start. This is the time which I plan on asking her. She's always in this one classroom in the morning. She's usually doing homework, reading a book, or talking with some friends at this time. So, instead of interrupting her, I plan on just wispering in her ear "Can i see you in the hall for a minute?"

After that, I'd go in the hall and wait for her to come. When she does, I will take her to a place in the hall with only a few people, so we can be as alone as possible. Now, im going to start to laugh a little, ease up the tension.After that, I'll say "I think you know what this is about." (she's going to know what this is about, there's some info that i haven't mentioned, but she'll know).Then, going to laugh again a but. I'll say how embarrassed I am. Ill also say "this is sooo lame...". Then im going to pick a red m&m out of one pocket and a green one out of the other (places there earilier). Then im going to recite the lines in the matrix, not exactly, with words that would fit this situation. It'll go something like "Now you have 2 choices. Take the red pill, and you go back to the room as if nothing ever happened. Take the blue pill, and you'll make me the happiest guy alive. It's you're choice"


It'd be something along these lines. Is it any good? I know its soo lame, lol, but its something that I can do. I cant just say the words "will you go out with me"


Any comments would help. Thanks.

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LOL i think its great! Don't forget your shades man. It'll be like *pulls out m&m's. Now... actually, hangon, let me put my shades on!. Now pick the red one....


Nah man, its not lame, your still in High School. I'd love to do it and steal your plan but I already have a gf. I'm glad that you put so much thought to it, but in case it doesn't work out the way you plan, don't be cut. On otp of that, if you feel like aborting, then its ok to do so too, just going with a simple asking out style is perfectly acceptable, you're just asking her out, you're not getting married!



Happy Heb

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Ok its a good and orginal idea and she wont ever forget it (i hope she has seen the matrix) but try to do it without all of the giggleing at the beginning that would personally annoy me. I would reccomend getting straight to the point so she doesnt get embarressed by all the giggling and tension and she can concentrate on what you are saying properly. But other than that I think its a great idea and I really hope it works for you. I have always imagined guys asking me out in inventive non traditional ways, so if she likes you its bound to work!!

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I didn't look at ALL of the responses, but I think I am the first to disagree, no offence but after middle school and 9th grade, stuff like that is over, but if you still have that mentality, and think she will be impressed,go right ahead, i would find another way if I were you, but hey, go wi what you feel wit get her to go out with you, my opinion probably won't even matter to you, but I am just trying to help.

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  • 1 month later...

oh, sorry about not leaving a followup...i've been "distracted"...hehehe


im sure you know what that means


We'll, it turned out that the freaking m&m's melted in my pocket on the bus ride to school!!!! I was so bummed. Lol. It was all planned and everything. So i didn't ask her out that day. Anyways. I waited longer and it turned out that it was obvious that she really liked me. She-d e-mail me from her classes. And in her away msg's in AIM shed say

(Wish he knew....... ) after a long time talking to me. And I indirectly told her that I was going to ask her out. I said that I wanted to tell her something important, but not right then. I asked her not to let me take too long. (that was in an e-mail). Anyways, a week went by and she said that what i was waiting too long to "ASK" her "whatever it is" that i was going to ask her. I never said anything about a question. So right then i knew she wanted me to ask her. This was a huge burdon lifted from me. And because of this, I asked her in a fairly traditional way. Sorry guys. It just didn't work out the way i had intended, but im happy that the result is what I wanted. Thanks for all the advice though!

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I have to agree with airmcnair06 and raggamuffin: get straight to the point, which is showing her your interest IN HER, not showing off how clever you are. Let your personality or humor shine when you're actually out on the date with her, but also, let her do a lot of the talking. Girls like a guy who knows how to listen.



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  • 2 weeks later...

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