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Looking for a support group

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I guess I need to explain my situation a little more....

What I need is some one to talk to.... to bounce my feelings and help with my issues...... what I am being told in counseling and what i have been reading contradict each other..

From what I understand I am a Adult Child of a very dysfunctional family….

2 of my main issues are emotional depravation, and abandonment. I am 2 months into a separation from the love of my life after 7 years who couldn't deal with my not being emotionally available. In my mind I thought I was doing everything right. I was a damn good provider of the wants and needs of her and her kids….. but what I did in realty is I didn't provide for myself and did not give her the emotional part of me the she longed for. She says she still loves me but she needs time to figure out if she can allow me back into that place in her heart that she shut me out of the last couple of years. She has now found someone else to give her that emotional nurturing that I couldn't give her. She says she doesn't want to sleep with him or date him. But they spend more and more time together. Now I am confused and hurt and not sure where to turn to. Just lost and lonely and I don't feel that I am getting anywhere with all of this. With my counselor or with the books I read or here on this forum……

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well, i don't know about how it is where you are, but I attend a university and they have a counsoling center on capus that is free to the surrounding neighborhood because they aren't actually qualified counsolers yet, they are getting thier phD and masters, all of the sessions the counsoler is taped and the audio is recorded, then a certified counsoler goes over it with them (what they should say next time, how they could have improved etc). I know because I'm persuing psych degree there and one of my classes makes us go into therapy to "understand ourselves". So you might check with a college or university in your area also.

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