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She wants to I want to but were both to scared?...


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Hi everyone,


For the last couple of months i've been trying to get close to this girl that's at my college. We have been friends since i started the college but never really been close. There has been a bit of a spark between us ever since the first time we were made to introduce ourselves in class. But for so long i have kept my feelings hidden and they've been growing and growing. It's only recently that she seems to be showing some sort of an intrest but she to shy to come out and say or show, mind you im the same so we've come to a problem with us liking each other none of us will confess as much as i wan't to i can't. She is everything that i have been looking for in a gf, i haven't really ever had a gf probably because of my standards are being to high or i'm just not what girls want. I mean when i talk with her i always use direct eye contact so dose she and were always smiling and she always got something to say (well... most of the time) also she laughs at my jokes and funny comments so it's got to be a good sign. But again back to the main problem i can't express my affection for her and i don't really know how because i've never had a gf. I know you lot are going to say that why don't i tell her but i've tried loads of times but i cant and she hasn't tried either unless it's only now that she has really taken an intrest. I have thought about asking her out of the weekend even though we live quite a distance away from each other, i'd travel any lentgh if it meant being with her.


Any advice, can anyone please help me i would appreciate it,


Thanks alot.


-[ kamui ]-

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There is a college party next week on Tuesday night, i've asked if she going but she told me that she wasn't. She said that she'd be spending her time at home reading a book and cuddling up with her dog she said "i get all the love i need from her" (meaning the dog) so i don't know whether i was suposed to pick and ask her then, but me being me as stupid as i am can't pick up hints. I hate myself for being this way, pathetic and such an idiot.


Thanks for replying.


-[ kamui ]-

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