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falling for a friend

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I don't know if this topic has been posted before, but I'm in a bit of a jam:

Me and this girl are really close friends (at least in my eyes), we do quite alot of things together, and I'm finding myself falling for her. We've been friends for about a year now and I don't know if I should try to do anything with her that would consider us "more than friends", any suggestions or comments?

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mmmm..I been in this situation...and I can see that you don't want to risk your friendship if it doesn't work out..Well what I did , was I tried to get a feel for her, in my own sly ways I would ask hypothectical questions n such, and really study her body language, and how her face conveyed when I asked...if you feel you receieved enough solid hints...then I say go for it..lifes to short..but if you feel thats its not enough..then thats your call too


Hope it works out...let us know

Maybe another Poster has another idea

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I understand what ur going through. it happened to me too. i think u should tell her how u feel. Like rainswept said life is short and its better doing things then wondering what if. GOing to that next step is difficult but sometimes in the end you will find that it'll be worth it. gOod LUck.


its easier to turn a friendship into love than

turn love into friendship

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Well, if you don't go for it, you will wonder what if forever. If you do, it may last, it may end. If it ends, afterward you may be friends or you may not. Of course, the frinedship could end anyway. So, go for it.


Just be careful how you proceed.

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In the summer I was in the exact same situation as you... friends with this amazing girl and then I started to get feelings for her. We started dating and everything was perfect. We both love each other, and although recently we got into a fight and were apart (didn't last more than a week), we have developed a strong relationship. There has been difficulty along the way, but the good times outweight the tough ones. That's my story, so I say go for it.

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  • 4 weeks later...

The bottom line here depends on her level of physical attraction to you. If she is interested in you in "that" way, then you are on course to smooth sailing. If she is not, you will get some "stuff & nonsense" lines about "not wanting to ruin the friendship. Women love to keep things in the grey area, they hate "black and white"

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Hi, I've been in the same situation and I just have to say that you need to evaluate how she saw you before you started having these feelings. If she just wanted a friend you will scare her away but if you have to know you have to know. Good luck.

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I was platonic friends with my noe ex for three years before we finally hooked up. He asked me out once and I turned him down because I didn't see him in that way. But after he asked me out, I started looking at him in a different light. Essentially I started looking at him as boyfriend material. I was not physically attracted to him, but eventually it came around and I ended up being the one to ask him out.


We were together for 3 years thereafter, unfortunately we just broke up 9 days ago for other reasons. I have lost my boyfriend and best friend, but I still recommend that you go for it because I've learned a lot from this.


I remember one of the strong reasons I decided to go for it, even though I knew I was risking the friendship, was that I trusted him wholeheartedly. I trusted him to take our relationship seriously and that he would always be honest with me. I hope it works out for you!

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