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How a Girl was Destroyed in Six Simple Steps

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1) Establish trust

Create a true lasting friendship while making her feel beautiful and most importantly, UNIQUE!


2) She is perfect for you!

Fall deeply in love with her, refuse all attempts at breaking your bond

(If you haven't already made love, make sure to do so now and continue through until step five with varying degrees of interest).


3) Be Soul Mates

Prolong this state of intense need for each other as long as you can possibly stand it. You will do anything for each other, and she is adorable. Compliment her as much as you can, and never forget to say I love you! No one can come between you now. Spend as much of your free time with her as possible. However, let her frustrate you a little about other people in your life or some other aspect that will never change, but pretend she is more important.

At least for now!

4) Grow Distant

This is where it starts to hurt. Start to pull away, but deny any loss of affection. Become slightly disenchanted with some of your common interests. Become close with another friend and do not hold your time with her at such high priority. Flaws in the relationship, how ever small, are making you unhappy or stressed. Make her paranoid; do you really love her? You say yes, but occasionally threaten to end the relationship. It is too intense at this time in your life. Be cold as she struggles to keep you. Let her do herself in by growing bitter at times or annoying you by begging for attention. Even she will begin to see herself as needy or unreasonable.

5) The Big Drop

You are almost done! Make her feel disrespected. Do not show up on a special day, and watch her freak! She will pick the fight and then you are in like sin, or out rather! You are fed up this is it! Relationship over! You can't take anymore and you don't want this in your life. Make all the excuses you want and don't you dare cry a drop. But, you still want to be friends, and you mean it. Why not keep reaping the benefits of a loyal companion?

6) She is a goner! BUT STAY FRIENDS (this is the heart of the trick)

No one can make it through this unscathed. You are still best friends, despite the sudden drop in time spent together, and the HUGE insult on her character. You need time to yourself, but make sure to make guest appearances and eat at her house, sleep on her sofa etc. Also, implant seeds of hope and simultaneously squash the buds. Be angry when she questions you, but cry a bit once and a while. Admit you miss some of what you had, but you don't want to be with anyone right now! But, you don't love her anymore. Why? You don't know, you thought you had true love, but you guess not anymore. CONFUSE HER! Tell her you think she is beautiful, if you would date anyone right now it would be her. But, you probably will never fall in love with her again. You can't go on with out her friendship though!


Congratulations! You have now made a girl feel desperately hopeless! She may consider looking to other guys for affection, but the past you created with her will nag at her heart for a long time!

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Remind me again why we needed to know this???? Seems like BS to me, why somebody would do that to somebody they supposedly once "loved" is beyond my comprehension... Maybe somebody might find it usefull but I know I won't... In my opinion this is a waste of time and space

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Remind me what the point of this thread is?.....

I think its pretty simple to inflict malice, if your heart is not there

Nobody really needs to know any of this garbage

How about a real challenge, and learn to do the right thing, all of what you posted here doesn't make you cool or clever in my opnion

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Folks instead of jumping to conclusions and flaming each other lets take a close look at the point of this thread. The poster is a FEMALE, not a MALE. So I am making a leap here and saying she is posting what has happened to her as a way of healing and letting out her pain.


I do not believe the point of the thread is "how to cause somebody pain" as much as it is her story of what happened to her. She is adding a touch of sarcasm to vent her anger and frustration.


poppyseed, please correct me if I am wrong.



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That was embarrasing... Avman probably is right, poppyseed my apolegies that I did not take into account all the details of the post (didn't realise you were a female)... I also wanted to say that I am very sorry if somebody has caused you that much pain because no human deserves to live through that... I sincererly hope that that post was used as a way of healing your self and not teaching others how to destroy a women's heart... Again I appologize for my mistake!!


Best of wishes,



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I'd just like to say I really feel for you. I was recently dumped by a girl (by email while I was on vacation!) and I am also trying to figure out how I will ever be able find someone again who I will be able to trust with my feelings.


For me, that is the biggest loss: I don't know how I will be able open up my heart again after being hurt so badly.


I got the "maybe we can still be friends" crap too. In this case I think it is because the girl started to feel guilty - but in reality it is crueler because it keeps alive a false hope that maybe you can get back together again.


I think this guy was/is a total jerk - but don't blame yourself for being naive or for trusting him though. You're a beautiful person, and remember this - YOU DID NOTHING WRONG.


And remember that not all men are like this jerk.

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WOW, I never expected to get such a response and so fast! You know what, everbody that thought I wrote this about myself to vent is right. And it worked! But, I am still a little confused as to why he changed like that, and if I were to say this is what he did to him you better believe he would turn that back on me. I hurt his feelings or am dramatic or something. Do you want a timeline? Steps 1-3 took about 4 years, step 4 about a year, step 5 was the day after Xmas (he didn't show up for Xmas)and step 6 is in action. So in total to gain complete and utter power over your "loved one" took up to 5 years or longer out of their life. Im starting to move on, but boy is it a winding path of anger, hate, love and cofusion. You know, his sister did something similar to her ex of 5 years, his mother cheated on his dad and divorced him...she used to tell my ex that our relationship was one of many and he shouldn't invest so much in it...ah psychology.

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wow, that sounds almost exactly like what happened to me except for the part 6, there was no attempt to be friends, I was just totally cut off. thanks for your post, it really helps to know that there are lots of people who follow this progression, and maybe it wasn't really as much of my fault as I blame myself for.

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