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Is this too soon? please help!

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Not sure this is the right forum for this question, but here it goes. Ok. So my gf of 4 months broke up with me 2 days ago. I'm very bummed but the more I think about it I will be better off in the long run. But here's my question: I met this girl on the net through link removed (just to clarify it was a real physical relationship, not something conducted entirely on the internet) and now that its over I'm considering re-registering on the site again soon (like in the next few days) in the hopes of finding somebody new, the site worked once and although the relationship ended up not working out, it still works as a good vessel to meet girls. But I worry that its too soon and I am not giving myself time to get over my ex (which I'm not over her). I also wonder if I am only going back on the site and trying to meet somebody new as a way of possibly on some level getting back at my ex (not that she would have any way of finding out). In other words joining for the wrong reasons. I joined the site the first time after another girl hurt me, but that situation was not nearly as serious as the relationship I had with my ex. Please let me know what you think. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank You.

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2 days is not a long time and thats why you still feel bummed out and think it may be too soon. I say definitely sign up for it because in about a week or two you will feel much better about all this and you can speed up the process of recovering from this break up by actually meeting new chicks. trust me its the way to go and dont even think about it too much

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