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Does she like me???

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If any of you have read my posts before, this is the same girl so bear with the foreword please.

I've met this girl 5 years ago. We never really knew each other so we werent either friends or enemies. This year we had a class together for the first time and we became friends. We then were assigned seats in class and a ended up next to her. A few weeks later we got to pick our own seats and i got there before her so i just sat in the back of the room. When she got in (knowing we had choice of seats) she sat next to me. We flirt a lot. Not just verbally but she tickles me and puts her hand on my leg and i sometimes do the same. I went to her house on new years and she was all over me. She sat on my lap, jumped on me when i was lying down on the couch and we got really close. Another time she asked me to come over to study for an exam and we never studied. We watched movies and she asked me to give her a massage and rub her back. Another time I went to her place and we went to her room and ended up lying together on her bed. I ended up kissing her and she didnt seem to mind. We still just layed on top of each other on her bed. We were both in Tampa at the same time this past week and I went to Bush Gardens with her and her family. There was a train that went under a dark tunnel and as it went pitch black she started to tickle me. We can talk about anything at all and she says that she thinks I'm good-looking, have a great personality and is everything that she looks for in a guy.


I know that it seems pretty obvious that she likes me based on that but the hitch is that she has a BF. She knows that i REALLY like her. And she is constantly bringing up breaking up with him. But she is still with him.


Does she like me more than a friend or is she stringing me along??? I am really going crazy of her and this so if you have ANYTHING to say i'd like to hear it.

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Hi bb13,


From what you have said it sounds like she really does like you more than a friend. But there's the problem of her already taken by someone else, i would suggest staying friends with her for the time being until she has well untruly finished with her bf. Getting yourself involved with someone who is already taken isn't always the best way, believe you me her bf could get nasty and see you as a possible threat to his relationship or blame you for their break up. The best bet is be a friend and if she breaks up with him and then you can see how it goes from there.


Hope this has helped


Inu Yasha

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Thank you inu yasha for your quick response and advice.

It is so hard for me to just be friends with her though. I want to back off her so that I dont mess anything up with her and her BF. As much as I want them to breakup, I want her to be happy and I know that I can do that but he might be able for her too. It is just so hard to back off when I think she has fairly strong feelings for me. We always have fun together and when we are alone we are very close. She says that she does have feelings for me but she's trying not to b/c of her BF. She's said that if she wasn't with him, she'd like me quite a lot. A while ago I was getting butterflies in my stomach when I was with her and when we talked and now she says she is getting them too. We agree on so many aspects of relationships and the future (#of kids, ideal date, qualities of a good mate, etc.)


I am convinced that she likes me more than a friend but then why is she still with her BF??? If anyone could shed some light on this(i'd like a girls take especially) i would greatly appreciate it.

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hey bro, try your hardest to stay just friends while she is still going out with her BF, and maybe try next time that yall are alone and if she trys to get really close to you, stop her and be like "I dont feel comfortable doing these things while you still have a boyfriend, you know i have feelings for you but i dont want to cause you and your boyfriend to break up" blah blah u know




that article changed my whole outlook on my situation

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I read that article and I cant say that I totally agree. I know that one cant be completely enfatuated with another person and all they do is complement them (I think I may have made that mistake already). I do consider myself to be the "nice guy" and from what i can tell he's a jerk. The thing is I actually like being nice. I like to make other ppl happy especially the girl I like. It's not that I'm afraid to be a "bad" guy, i really dont want to. I dont think that she even wants someone like that. In one of our conversations she has said that she's been with so many jerks and is sick of it. I know I should be a dorrmat and I'm trying not to be but I love to see her smile and being the one that made her. Do you think I'm hopeless???


And any more advice on the topic this forum was intented to be about is still welcomed.

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