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alrite i know you've seen like a thousand of these posts..but can ya help me out..ok ive had sex wit my bf 3 times already and we used a condom all times..but i was just wondering if you get any signs of pregnancy like a month into it..i kno u miss ur period..and im waiting fer mine to come its suppoed to be here now..but i was wondering what the real early signs are..thanks

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The early signs of pregnancy

The first reliable sign of pregnancy is missing your monthly period. Other early signs may include tenderness in your breasts and changes to your nipples. You may need to wee (urinate or pass water) more often and find that you are waking up during the night making trips to the loo. You may also be constipated and feel tired. Your sense of smell may become more sensitive and strong smells, such as coffee, can really turn your stomach. You may also have a metallic taste in your mouth.



A missed period is a good indication of pregnancy

Breast changes may indicate pregnancy

Morning sickness may happen early in pregnancy

Your sense of taste and smell may change in early pregnancy

Your body works harder in pregnancy and so you may feel tired

The bladder is irritable in early pregnancy


if you are not pregnant, i would reccomend being more careful. sex and pregnancy are very very very serious things. once you are pregnant there is no turning back. i wish you the best of luck.


hope that helps.....

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