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Does size matter?


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I know lots of guys ask this question, but I wonder if the size of a girls vagina matters. Can a vagina be too big (loose) to give pleasure to someone? All opinions are welcome, but I would really love to hear any specific experiences or examples if anyone has a story.

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I doubt women could actually be too physically big, but too loose, yeh that could be a problem. I've been with women who were a little too tight, so we had to work on getting going, then once we were rolling in the same session she was too loose. So the too big thing was not the "size" itself. I've had others who just felt like they were grabbing on, wow!!!! As I understand it there are muscles there that can be worked out. My guess it that muscles in the area are the real thing. I also think there are exercises that if I remember correctly are referred to as "kegel" exercises. Some web research should give more info, try a look at:


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To tell you the truth i have never a had a really loose woman. But me ex was a pretty small gurl she was about 5 foot 4 and 110 pounds and she was bigger than i expected down there. It didnt bother me at all. I loved her and it never mattered. I never said or teased her about it. Infact sometimes i would tell her that her Tight $^((() felt soo good.

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