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Well, here's my situation!! my girlfriend broke up with me like three weeks ago!! its been a living hell for me because i really want to be with her but at the same time she broke up with me!! i mean to me, i think she's the one I want to spend the rest of my life with, but she now has a new boyfriend!! so do u recommend for me to start dating again or what? how would dating again help me in order for to go back to my ex or its not a possibilty? i would luv some advice!! because i mean if she has a new boyfriend, and i hate seeing it, should i find someone else even though i dont want to because im waiting for her!!

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Yeah it's much easier said than done...but waiting on someone that has moved on is doing absolutely nothing but hurting yourself. But, then again...you should not jjust start seeing someone else because he

or she has. Rebound also will do nothing but hurt you more(in my opinion) You should start exploring your options and begin to move on because that is the situation, and if she does come back..on her terms..then depending on where you are in your life at that time...is when you can determine if you want to be back together. But...just waiting and hoping that her "new" relationship ends so she will be back with you, is pretty much hopless.. Give her the time she needs, and in that time...find yourself. DO things for you, and with gods "unanswered prayers" youll be back on your feet. Dont spend your time waiting on someone who has moved on...he or she may or may not be back..in the mean time follow ur heart and keep your options open...you don't have to lose hope in her....but yes, try to move on...You never know what might come out of it good luck

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I don't think it would be in your best interest to go out an find someone to be with just because she has someone else. It's not fair to the person you may hook up with that you are still in love with someone else and just using them as a tool to get your girl back. That would really be hurtful if you found out someone where doing that to you don't you think?


You are obviously still in love with her and before you can fall in love with someone else you will need to get out of love with her.


I would encourage you to grab a hot cup of coffee and do a search on this forum for "No contact". Basically what you should try to do is forget about her and do not contact her. I'm sorry for being so blunt, but she's made it pretty clear that for now and perhaps for ever, she does not want to be with you.


She broke it off with you and is with someone else. I know that is the worst kind of pain that we can ever imagine. There are alot of great people here who can help you through this. Take a moment to do some reading and stay with us.



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