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Changing my grade


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My professor made a mistake in my grading. He gave me a C when I really got a higher grade. I emailed him a few days before Christmas about it. He admitted his mistake and that he'll change it when he gets a chance.


I then emailed him a 2 or 3 days before new years, and he told me that he was on vacation and will change the grade when he gets back. And that if I'm in a hurry, I can go to the office and have them change my grade by showing them his email. I can't do that because I live about 10 hours away from my college and I can't just make a special trip to school. I want to resolve this before the next semester starts, which btw is next week.


It's the 12th now and I think he has had plenty of time to change my grade and it's still not corrected. What should I do now? I don't want to keep nagging him, but I really don't know what to do next.

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If I were you I would call a Department Chair or Dean and explain the situation. If you still have the e-mails- forward the e-mails to them. They also have the power/authority to change your grade in the computer system. They can communicate with the professor and get him on the ball.


In my experience the registrar is not that helpful in situations like these.

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Is there a particular reason for the rush? Do you need transcripts or something?


That was what I was going to ask. You really aren't in a rush unless you are applying for scholarships/internships/grad school/transfers in which you haven't told us that you are.


I wouldn't call the registrar as sometimes they do not have the power to access grades (they couldn't even allow me to sign up for classes and override my academic advisor for me).


Also, I too have found the registrar to be unresponsive.


I wouldn't contact the dean as you could get your professor in trouble. Something you never want to do is tick off a prof that you could later have a class with or ties with.


I'd wait a few more days and try and meet him during his office hours. Profs are swamped at this time. Dealing with leftovers from last semester, the beginning of the new semester, meeting their new T.A.'s and etc. However, office hours are set away times that are just for dealing with students. Basically, office hours are his "free" time while doing work.


Do not pressure him if you are not in a rush and he may teach a class you are in later.

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That was what I was going to ask. You really aren't in a rush unless you are applying for scholarships/internships/grad school/transfers in which you haven't told us that you are.



I am actually applying for graduate school but that's not really the issue because at this moment, I don't need my transcript yet.


But I don't think I'm being unreasonable in wanting this issue to be resolved as quickly as possible. It really shouldn't take him this long to change his mistake. I think it's ridiculous. I understand he's busy with the new semester arriving and everything. But I don't want to start next semester with this mistake. And I'm sure he'll be even busier when the new semester actually gets here.


I'm definitely not going to email my prof again. I'm sure he's aware of the situation and he doesn't need another reminder unless he's extremely lazy and forgetful. He didn't tell me to go to the registrar, but the department office. But I'm not sure who to email in the department about this. I might just call and explain the situation. But I think I'm going to give him 2 or 3 more days to change my grade.

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I think you are being overly demanding given the situation then. Yes of course the mistake shouldn't have been made and your prof agreed to correct it. But if you only emailed him a few days before Christmas then you can basically count out the last two weeks due to the holidays. This isn't something you need immediately so I don't see the need for him to interrupt his vacation for something like this.


If by the end of the week you don't have your grade changed then maybe send a gentle reminder email to your prof. I highly doubt he's lazy and forgetful as you have posted. I would more likely believe he is overly busy and probably just got back from enjoying some time with his family for the holidays.

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I think you are being overly demanding given the situation then. Yes of course the mistake shouldn't have been made and your prof agreed to correct it. But if you only emailed him a few days before Christmas then you can basically count out the last two weeks due to the holidays. This isn't something you need immediately so I don't see the need for him to interrupt his vacation for something like this.


If by the end of the week you don't have your grade changed then maybe send a gentle reminder email to your prof. I highly doubt he's lazy and forgetful as you have posted. I would more likely believe he is overly busy and probably just got back from enjoying some time with his family for the holidays.



All offices were opened last tuesday and it's been about a week since then. So I really do think he's had plenty of time to get the grade changed. I understand he might still be on vacation or just got back from it recently and he might be busy preparing for the new semester. I think I'll give him until Wednesday at the latest before I contact the department myself.


You're right, I don't need it done in a hurry, but I would feel much better if it was done as soon as possible.

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He was probably on vacation with family when you called him, so he probably wasn't ignoring you or anything. I know how you feel tho. I had an incomplete this past semester until I madeup a clincial. When I made up my clinical a week after classes, she didn't post my grade until a few days ago, well into spring semester. I was in the same situation. I emailed her....probably bugged her...Ekk..! & she finally got it over to the records office. I feel bad for pushing her into doing it. If I could take it back, I would. I felt so embarrassed for even emailing her about it...Especially so close to Christmas.



However, your situation is a little excessive. I would just give him a jingle in his office or go see him if you can and let him know that you are waiting on that grade. By him not having it posted yet, does that somehow affect your financial aid or registration status?


Sorry you are going thro this. He'll post it, just speak with him.

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It doesn't affect my financial aid since even with this grade my GPA is above what it has to be.


But it's just a frustrating situation.


School starts in a few days and he still hasn't changed my grade. By this point, it's just ridiculous. I can understand why it wasn't changed a few weeks ago due to Christmas and New Years but school starts on tuesday. I was going to call the department regarding this but I figured since I'm going to go to school in a few days anyway, I might as well go in person.

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school starts on tuesday. I was going to call the department regarding this but I figured since I'm going to go to school in a few days anyway, I might as well go in person


When school starts the professor will likely have office hours again so you can pop in during his office hours and remind him nicely.


Really, the grade should have been put in by now. Maybe he forgot.

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Ok so...the grade still hasn't been changed. i went to the office but I can't change my grade just by showing them my prof's emails. I stopped by his office several times during the last week but he was never there. i can't figure out when his office hours are, i tried checking his website but it wasn't listed. I'm going to email him again about this but I don't want to seem like I'm nagging him about it. How can I remind him about this in a nice, polite way?

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