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Turning Emotins and Feelings on and off

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Me and my boyfriend had been arguing a lot and I finally had said I am done. The next day I regreeted it so much and wanted him back. We talked the next day and he said he ahd shut down and truned his feelings and emotions off for me. I don't see how this is possibly becasue even though i was angry with him I still love him deeply and have feelings and emotions for. How does someone just turn feelings and emotions off.

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From your message I only see two things:

1. He had always had another girl. He didn't stop you going because his deepest dream was going to come true. Do you really think he'll be that mad?


2. (nicer to believe) He thinks you're trying to play with him. One moment you don't want him and the next you cherish him.


I don't know what to say. After all this is your ex-boyfrined, I'm sure you know better than me. So here's my advise:


1. Forget him. A man that forgets you a day after you broke up is not one you want to keep forever. Love might be a strong barrier but you'll soon learn how to walk and look through it. If you wish to forget him, try taking up some sports to get your mind off him.


2. Call him again and say how sorry you were to act that way. Ask him to forgive you, then have a talk. Discuss the ways to stop you two from arguing.


Love is about compromises and feelings. If he has no feelings for you and can't compromise for you, you know what you should do. Forgive me for being straight forward. I hope this has helped you.


The decision is yours. Forget him or give it another try.


Bear in mind 1. There is no right choice in life. No one is perfect. Life is not perfect but it's our responsibility to live it to the fullest.


2. By preventing, we do not get hurt but by preventing too, we miss out all the peaks of happiness which could have been


3. If you do not take the chance, you'll never know.


4. Better to try and fail rather than live a life of regrets


Good luck.

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