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Does he like me? Do I go further with this?

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What should I do about Valentine's Day and him?


Ok, as some of you may know, I like this guy...A LOT and we've gone out to the movies and stuff together. But anyway, I was talking to him online last night and I was like, "are you ready for Valentine's Day?" and he was like "I don't have a valentine so I guess no" and I was like "we should be each other's valentine" and hes like "really?" and of course i said "yea!" and he goes "ok lets do it!" and I was soooo excited, but I mean I don't know if he was just kidding or if he really meant it. Today, when I was walking into class, he gave me this look like a flirty look ya know. Tomorrow, I'm having some of my friends over just to like hang out.....should I invite him? And for Valentine's Day...do I bring it up? Should I be like so what are you doing for v-day or lets get together valentine........I dunno!!! Should I send him an e-card or would that seem desperate? I just don't know. I mean guys...if you like a girl, how do you show her? I'm really confused and I really like him...I want something to happen. I know the best way to go is just come and be like I like you, but I can't do that. So what are some other options to give him signs that I like him (yea I know the flirting and body expressions all that...what else)??


Thanks for your help!!

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to put it bluntly, its not easy for a girl to come on too strong. (the other way around is a completely different story).



by all means invite the guy, and while he's there, initiate some hand-holding (if at all possible). It may seem risky, but you will get an answer, i guarantee. If he is kinda quiet, he wont be sure how you feel until then, and if he isnt interested, he'll probably hold your hand just so you dont feel bad, and confront you later.


go for it, babe.

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You would be doing yourself an injustice if you did not show him exactly how you feel.


If you express effection for someone, that is not desperation. Don't hold back. If someone holds your affection for them against you, then they are not the person for you.


So, I would strongly suggest you skip on the e-card and give him something in person. A card and/or candy would be cool. A guy wouldn't think that's corny.


Just be yourself.

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