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hey all. new to these boards, reccomended by a friend.


The last 5 months, I've tried my hardest to win this girl over. I finally accomplished this.


Today, she left me for one of my friends.


Like a domino effect.


Hey, just needed to share this. Take care all.


and dana,

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Hi CO2,


I am glad you took my advice to post about your problems here.


I am saddened to hear that you have lost her. You are a nice guy. There will be plenty of opportunities for you to find someone better in future. A girl that does not value your relationship is not really worth keeping. Or you two may be wrong for each other in the end...look at it that way.


Keep your head up and move on dude. Concentrate on your personal happiness. Carry some weights, do some running etc. Make her see that she might have broken the boy in you, but she won't break the man.


Stand your ground my friend. You have my blessings.

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hey there co2,

I am sorry about this new heartbreak. I think it is the worst...the most disrespectful on both parties for an ex to be with a friend. Personally, I do not think that neither your ex nor your friend are worth your time.


Relationships are trial and error. And they all take a lot of work and effort to make them successful. But the key to finding "the one" who is really meant for you is like, a domino effect. You have to knock down, and get knocked down. Over all of these hard times, there is learning taking place to make your relationship with that one person that you will care more about than anybody so valuable and wonderful. everything in life is a learning experience.

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Wow, mermayd, you go girl!!! Well said!!!



I agree with mermayd. Love has its funny ways. You do learn as you go. Love is showing your feelings for a person and showing how much you care about him or her. The only one way to do it and make it work is to give you all. Unfortunately, when we find out that it doesn't work it will lead to heartbreak, but dont give up! There is someone out there for everyone


~ SwingFox ~

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