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need help FAST


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here the deal, i know this girl since about july when we worked together, we kept in touch until now, ok in Decenber i told her that i really liked her, thought she didnt believe me we setup a lil "date" where me and my friend were gonna go with he and her friend to the mall for X-mas shopping, now me and her friend are real close and we talk a lot, i ask her things about her like if she really do like me cuz shes always telling me that she thinks about me a lot, now her friend tells me that she makes it seem that she likes me but she doesnt know for sure and i dont want her to ask her cuz it would seem kind of obvious that im desperate for her, now i bought her flowers for V-Day 6 white roses and 6 pink, with a card. now my problem is that i have a really hard time talking to her 1 on 1 and am afraid of not meeting her expectations cuz shes a year older than me.


need help PLZ

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I wouldn't worry about too much about seeming too desperate. You already got the roses (I like the combo of the red and white, btw), so you should definaltely give them to her. If you think she might be interseted in you and her friend agrees, then I think it's worth the risk. Going ahead and buying the flowers shows you're committed, and I say follow through with it!


Best of Luck!

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I would tend to agree with Balthamos. Just a note, on the other hand, 12 roses might be coming on a little strong... you can try it if you want, but 6 might be more appropriate. Keep the card light and cheery (even sappy is acceptable, if in a sarcastic tone)... and when you give them to her, smile.


She will probably respond well, but don't beat yourself up if you don't end the night making out in the back of an '87 vandalized chevy on a deserted lot. Or whatever you fancy out of this... excursion. All-in-all, good luck and V-day was meant to suck a..*idontwantmypostdeletedsoitjustsucks*, so if it bombs, join the club.

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