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Hi virgo men (born Aug 23 - Sept 22) Please answer

Taylor Dubln

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Hello everyone,



I have a question for guys who are virgos.




I met a virgo guy a couple of weeks ago at a bar -he's a friend of friends of mine. I am normally attracted to no one and I was instantly attracted to him. We flirted a bit, he touched my hand, it was all quite nice. He lives right around the corner from me and we joked about walking over to each other's apartments in our pjs...an idea that is very appealing to me, chilled out.


And after about 20 minutes of chatting alone, our friends walked away from us - I then had to go somewhere else with my friends so I said goodbye and left. I would usually NEVER initiate and would wait for the guy to get in touch with me afterwards but I decided since this feeling was so rare I didn't want to miss out on a guy I might actually. So I emailed him the Monday after we met on a Thursday per the advice some enotalone friends and we've been emailing back on a few different days over the past 2 weeks.


He emailed me last Monday and asked me why I didn't stop by or invite him over over the weekend. And I was like, you could have asked me too. So we joked a little. And then he asked me what I was doing the coming weekend but didn't ask me to do anything.


So on Wednesday before thgsgiving I emailed him to say hello and he gave me his phone number which is on his email signature anyway. So I gave him mind - again thinking that he could call me.


So another weekend has passed and I have heard and done nothing.


Virgo men...are you this shy? Do I ask him out for next weekend? How do I make this work out?


Thank you!!!

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I would agree with Bad Wolf, I don't think his sign is really a factor in this. Just as an example, my sign is supposed to be really confident and bold, but i'm actually more anxious and shy lol.


edit - I'll add that from what i've read about Virgos, they are said to be very analytical and might sometimes over-think things. Maybe this causes them to hold back at times. But it would be hard to know what's going on just based on this. Good luck with the situation tho!

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I dont think star signs have anything to do with being shy...



I just know scorpio really believes in horoscope because they're always the center of attention when it comes to astrology.


But wait, i'm virgo and i'm shy to the girl I like. Aren't most guys alike though?

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I'm a Virgo (September 14th) and I'm as far from that description as you can get. I'm loud, outgoing, and not shy in the slightest.


Did you know that because the earth is precessing (The axis itself is rotating) astrological signs today have nothing to do with astrological signs when the whole thing was first developed? Astrology doesn't actually work.


Also, what makes this astrological system any more valid than Chinese astrology, which claims that everything has to do with what year you're born in, not what month.

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Ok, Im your typical Virgo and i'd say you deffintley need to call him! Its not that he doesn't want to contact you I bet you any money that whats running through his head is ' if she likes me enough she'll get in contact'. So if you like him enough just go for it what have you got to lose?

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Update and more help needed.


Tuesday morning I get an email from him saying he texted me on thksgivng but never heard back.


So it turns out I accidentally gave him my wrong number, off by one digit. I know - unbelievable.


So I email him back and explain what I did, say sorry, make a joke of it.


He replied back that 'I'm in his bad books.'


So I ask the natural question - how do I get into his good books.


He says 'its hard' and 'asks me what I suggest.'


So I ask if drinks might help.


He says maybe and then says his sister is in town until sunday so it will have to wait.


Which kind of hurt my feelings because it feels like a game.


So I replied "Aren't you bold" and have heard nothing back since Tuesday.


Is he playing me? I know some virgos take things slowly but this is odd to me...

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Update and more help needed.


Tuesday morning I get an email from him saying he texted me on thksgivng but never heard back.


So it turns out I accidentally gave him my wrong number, off by one digit. I know - unbelievable.


So I email him back and explain what I did, say sorry, make a joke of it.


He replied back that 'I'm in his bad books.'


So I ask the natural question - how do I get into his good books.


He says 'its hard' and 'asks me what I suggest.'


So I ask if drinks might help.


He says maybe and then says his sister is in town until sunday so it will have to wait.


Which kind of hurt my feelings because it feels like a game.


So I replied "Aren't you bold" and have heard nothing back since Tuesday.


Is he playing me? I know some virgos take things slowly but this is odd to me...




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So saying 'aren't you bold' was wrong? What should I have said when he said drinks will have to wait?


What do I do now? I just don't want to seem to available.


I feel silly commenting on this but as a tried and true 31 year insanely-shy-low-self-esteem-Virgo I can tell you that I always look for the first sign of un-availability so that I can run for the hills.


I guess it all depends on how shy the guy is... maybe you should just tell him flat out you are interested and see what he says? I know.... easier said than done.

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im a virgo male and he doesnt sound that shy.

it also doesnt sound like he's that into you or else he wouldve suggested another time to see you.

i vote for: keep in email contact thru light/fun small talk. steer the convo towards him asking you out somewhere. if he doesnt get the signal, then just bring it up anyway and ask him out.

if you get another negative signal after that, I'd back off.

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