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What Are The Odds???

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I'm in my thirties and can't honestly say I've ever been in love. I've seen many people I know that are traditionally level-headed do some very unrational things in the name of love. I don't get it. I don't persue relationships, nor desire one. With my age, my options are very limited and very unappealing. I don't care to be a father and with that step-father. I've always viewed a single mother as the most dangerous type of single women - They're not just looking for love, but also a father for their child (children). The rest I've met are either desperate, psychotic, or a little of both. So, I've completely given up on a search because my life isn't so bad. In fact, I rather enjoy it. I feel like I'm watching a comedy everyday. So what I am asking is two-fold: Why would I want to change? -and- What would be the odds of me finding someone if I did? I'd really would like someone to shed some light on this. Thanks...

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'Why would I want to change'. All I can say is that some people love themselves so much that they don't have room to love anyone else. And maybe because you have never been in love but I would suspect, probably have given your ex's the impression that you were probably were... unintentionally made a normaly rational person into a frenzied person. Maybe you are afraid of the emotional turmoil that comes with 'love'. And as for changing..some people cannot change their views and maybe you are one of them. You sit back and are entertained by the carosel but you do not get on and take a ride. And as for single mothers you are right. If a single mother gets involved anyone then of course she is looking for a STABLE, CONSISTANT, RELATIONSHIP. This is because she has to have a partner that is good for her children and not just good for herself. How would a single mother feel if she fell in love with someone and let her child get close to that person only for that man to get up one day and walk out. If you feel this way then STAY AWAY from single mothers as you will just be hurting a innocent trusting child!

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Personaly, I think it's great if you don't need anyone to share your life with. Sure, being with someone is nice but being alone is nice too. I've done both for extended periods of time and like them both for different reasons.


You say you have limited options because of your age. Your only 30 years old! There are plenty of women out there who havn't had (nor want) a child at around the 30 mark.


btw. I don't mean to sound cheeky but if your life isn't so bad then why are you here posting this?

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