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How do I face a girl again when I get rejected?


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Well, the topic title gives the basic question. But I'll explain the story here.


There is a girl who I have liked since I first met her, over 3 years ago. We had some classes together up until this year. And now we have kinda drifted apart as friends. However, whenever she sees me, she says "hi" and smiles. But then again, if she is talking to her friends in the hall, she doesn't even notice me even if she glances and sees me. And she also says "hi" and smiles to every other guy she knows. So this obviously isnt a signal that she likes me.


Not to mention the fact that she is, according to everyone I've talked to (yes, everyone) she is one of the hottest (top 5) girls at my school. And she is white. And I'm asian. I have no idea whether or not she will reject me or not if and when I ask her out. But I don't want our occasional meetings in the hallway to be awkward if she rejects me. So I'm planning on waiting till a few months before we graduate to ask her out.


If anyone can tell me that our meetings wont be awkward if she rejects me, then I'll ask her out sooner.[/code]

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Yea, the meetings in the hallway would be akward if you got rejected just because it would be weird to see someone that likes you and you said you didn't like them. I mean, I'm not gonna lie. But how do you know that you'll get rejected? I think you should just go for it now. I mean, if you wait a little before graduation, what if you both end up going your separate ways and then that like month or whatever was a waste? You might not get to know her as well and then maybe she'll be going to college somewhere accross the country as you and it just wouldn't work. I got this advice a little while ago and its good:


Rejection is better than regret


And it is true. If you really want to ask her now, go for it! It's not worth waiting. So thats my opinion. Do it or you may regret it! GOOD LUCK!!

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hey man,


situations like this are always difficult, I can only offer my opinion as someone whose in a fairly similar situation.


first off, I personally dont feel that race matter...White, Black, Asian, Martian w/e...rarly will race get in the way of love....(politics and parents are a diffrent matter)


secondly, all you can do is try, if you like her ask her out, you got a 50 percent chance from where i'm sitting. if she says no, that doenst mean that you loose everything that you have sofar, it will take time for the relationship to grow back to what it once was, but in general if your rejected it wont make everything awkward indefinitely.



If I were you, i'd follow your heart. Ultimately its up to you.




hope I helped




PS. feel free to PM me

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i absolutely agree with everyone here, go for it now. from expierience i can say that in your position, it will be a real bummer if you get rejected, and it will be ackward seeing her, but in a couple weeks you will feel a little better. the ackwardness of seeing her, unfortunately takes a couple months at least, depending on how much you see her. go for it!

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thanks for the advice. Now, I only have to find out whether or not she already has a boyfriend . Then I have to figure out a time to ask her...that'll be awkward. Especially since we only see each other in the halls, and asking her in the hall with everyone else walking around would just be stupid.

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I'd say go with your heart, your inside feeling....


It's imperitive that you find out if she has a b/f, cos It could get tricky. However, I've found that asking someone out when they have a b/f means they could break it off if they fancy you, which kinda just happened to me.


Anyway I'm sure you'll make the right choice.


Good Luck!

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  • 3 months later...

Be gracious if she rejects you :


When you ask a girl out, you don't know whether she likes you or not. It is her right to like you or to dislike you, and you must respect her choice.


If you have the courage to ask her out, it is great, but you may be rejected.


On the other side, why don't you try to get to know her first and to get her to know you better? Why don't you invite her to activities where there are many people involved and try to know her better? May be she is not the person you think she is.


On the other hand, she will get to know you and perhaps develop feelings for you. I must say that the few boyfriends I had were very good friends first, only then I could decide whether we would be compatible.


Good luck!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Rejection is better than regret


Do it! I currently live in regret, and I'm currently tracking her down after 5 years. Yeah, 5 years of regret would have spared me a lot of pain.


Right now it's not about rejection or being accepted (which would obviously be nice), it's just about knowing what I should have known since the day you met her.


Do it, and don't live your life like mine. I wouldn't wish my suituation on anyone. If you don't do it, you only have yourself to blame.

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There are probably two reasons why this girl isn't showing much attention to you. One, she is shy or she doesnt want to seem like she likes you because of the same reason. She is afraid of being rejected or embarrased if you say no. Two, she doesnt like you and is trying to tell you in a non rude manner. Give it a shot, man. If she doesnt like you, then it wasnt meant to be anyway, there is no point in feeling rejected, just think of it as moving on to the next girl, instead of you being the guy that cant get the girl he wanted. If you want to face her (if she rejects you) try to remember, she feels just as bad because she rejected you. Dont assume that when you face her again, you're going to feel embarrased or dumb founded..if anything, she will feel that way. Believe me.

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