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The Very Attractive Shy Girl.

Jaden Rose

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I am an eighteen-year-old junior college freshmen, I'm medium build, but I've also been considered bright among my peers. I am in a few honors classes, so that's kept me somewhat busy to have a social life. I am (or at least I like to think of myself as) kind and witty, for the most part placing the needs of others in front of my own. As to how I deal with girls, I am rather shy around, basically, everyone; I find it hard to strike up a conversation around others, but the shyness has gained me a montage of friends, and I treat them with the utmost respect. However, there is one girl who I feel is the one for me, and attempting to talk to her has been very hard for me to do.


There's an absolutely beautiful girl in my first period English Honors class and my second Freshmen Orientation class. I don't sit near her in either class. The only problem is that she is extremely shy, as if she's always tired or depressed. I've only heard her talk when forced to by a teacher and I've only seen her smile maybe once or twice. I know nothing about her personality, her likes, her dislikes, or her friends. The *only* few things that I know about her is that we've had classes together since kindergarten, I just never noticed her, we're both Hispanic, our mothers randomly tells us random facts about the other (as if they want us to be together), and her name is Pamela. I'd love to just go up to her and talk to her, but the fact that I know little about her, our extreme shyness, and her beauty all intimidate me. How can I approach and get to know her without coming off as creepy?

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Maybe just say, ''hey, you're X's daughter, aren't you? My mom knows her well!'', etc, or something like that. Bring up the fact that you've been in classes together for so long.


And on the shyness front, perhaps the more friendly you are, the more comfortable she will feel and the shyness will subside. I used to be really shy and being around confident, chatty people ironically made me feel more inclined to talk.

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How can you know if she's the one for you if you don't know her that closely? Don't put so much weight on it...be friendly. Women don't respond to guys who don't know them that closely acting like they are in love. Just be light hearted and friendly and see how she acts towards you. Don't be so serious.

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She's dying for you to come along. If her response isn't directly positive at first or recipricated right away don't worry about it keep approaching. Just make little small talk and don't over do it. Let it build slowly and you are in no problem.

That would be a good start indeed. I've had plenty of classes with her before, yet we've never really talked one-on-one much. She's got this aura that just arouses me to get to know her better, but she always seem like she doesn't want to talk or is afraid to talk.


I'm trying to let it build somehow. My only problem is just reading her body language. Shy people are hard to read, you know? Thanks though.

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How can you know if she's the one for you if you don't know her that closely? Don't put so much weight on it...be friendly. Women don't respond to guys who don't know them that closely acting like they are in love. Just be light hearted and friendly and see how she acts towards you. Don't be so serious.

I may have been a bit too heavy on my thoughts right there. She's the only girl I've ever felt much interest towards because she and I had a bit of a past together; I know I'm not in love, I'm just wanting to get to know her somehow, and then try to see what happens there. Thanks

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Maybe just say, ''hey, you're X's daughter, aren't you? My mom knows her well!'', etc, or something like that. Bring up the fact that you've been in classes together for so long.


And on the shyness front, perhaps the more friendly you are, the more comfortable she will feel and the shyness will subside. I used to be really shy and being around confident, chatty people ironically made me feel more inclined to talk.

Our mothers are long-time friends, but they haven't had any time to talk to each other lately. I guess I can try to let it slip out that I like her (though because of what my mother's been telling me, they both probably already know), and perhaps they might be able to arrange something. Who knows?


She and I have been shy our whole lives, and that's always given our past teachers the thought that we might be related to one another. Weird.

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