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I know just how you feel right now....excited, but scared....but more excited!! We must be twins. Prior to this no contact mine was coming over and it started with a quick kiss, then more passion. Although nothing has actually happened, he always brings up the subject.....like he wouldn't be opposed to it. I ask the same question...how can he be with "her" and act like this to me? What are you going to do now? I'm kinda nervous - this is the longest we have gone with no contact. It is odd. I know he is involved in a business venture with his girlfriend (he just bought a business and she is managing it) and they are probably spending a lot of time together. Of course, I should look at it that that might be just what it takes to kill the relationship. I'm just concerned, because he had come "so far back to me and now nothing.....What do you think, Getstrong?


I think you're on your way back to a relationship. Keep it slow - and boy is that hard!!!

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At this point, I have no advice for either of us Lizzie.

I know that after he left I did feel excited and scared at the same time. But it seems like a never-ending cycle of the same thing over and over and over again.


The kiss.....what was that? If he was truly happy with his gf then he wouldn't do these things which only makes me feel like there IS a glimmer of hope for me and him to make it. I know if I was happy in a relationship I wouldn't be going around kissing other people.


But I know after that happened I kinda expected a phone call or another stop by....but nothing once again. I don't know why I wanted him to contact me after that but I do know that I just did. Isn't it me who said no contact is the best thing? Reassure me.


The only things that have helped me come this far is me, my best friend, this msg board and you...having the same problem as me so I feel not so alone (although I'm sorry this is happening to you also).

You're right, we must be twins!


How are you doing? Any contact for you? Any new news? Keep me posted on your progress before you leave!

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I couldn't get logged on for a few days - so here's my update. I ran into the ex on Wednesday. I must say, I played my part very well - just like TOSG said. We had a 1/2 hour talk - he said he had been calling me and leaving messages - like 10 messages and I had not replied and that he was going to come over uninvited.... Well, like you - I thought things were looking up....but here it is Friday and I have not heard another thing. I did see the new girlfriends car at his house early this AM. Needless to say, my stomach is in knots and I don't know what to think. I am telling myself just to chill and continue with No Contact and not get upset......But I'm with you...how can they show feelings to two women? I know when I'm involved with someone thats it and I'm not interested in anything else. Or are they CPs?

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