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The list


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First of all, I've heard this piece of advice a million times before. "Write a list of everything you dislike about her." Yeah, yeah. I never heeded.


But today, out of desperation, I decided to give it a go, and I couldn't stop writing! I started with "she cheated on me" and "she lied about it for almost two months", and then I kept going and going. It took me like two minutes to come up with 30 items, and I could've kept at it.


It felt so cleansing! I look at the list a few hours later and realize I'm finally starting to think, "What the hell is wrong with me? She cheated and lied, she's always sarcastic, and she doesn't floss. That dude can have her, I don't give a f***, good riddance!"


So, if you haven't made a list yet... at least consider it. It worked for me.

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