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Why wont she talk to me

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For the past year or so this girl and i have been real close friends. We always used to say we loved each other but only used to go too movies and stuff. Then all of the sudden after a weekend she just started to avoid me. I have no idea what happened. It was just three days later and she acted like she never seen me before in her life. It kind of scares me because i dont know if she will ever like me anymore. I was wondering what i should do. Should i talk to her or should I just let her go.



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Hi there,


First of all, welcome to enotalone.com.


Then back to your problem. Whether you want her back or not depends on you. If you really want her or you think she is a friend worth keeping, then you should get her back. Otherwise you can let it go.


I suggest trying to talk to her first because she seems to leave you for no reason. At least she should give you an explanation, she does owe you one. Ask her out for a drink and then talk to her.


She probably likes you and when you don't catch the signals she gave you, she decides to ignore you. There are things that human can do when pressured.


I hope this advise has helped you.

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Hi KyleHorn,


Im going through something similar as well. My best friend (a girl) has been acting odd since the new year i don't know why. We can't talk to eachother like we use to be able to and our friendship is slowly slipping away. If i were you i would go and talk to her ask her why she's being this way with you because you don't want to lose a close friend, friends come and go but close friends are the special ones.


Hope everything works out for you.


All the best


-[ kamui ]-

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