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Yeah, you should tell him about how you feel. The reasons why you can't stand it. But take my advise:


Don't go all out because if he doesn't want to change, you've got to leave him. Drugs is a dangerous thing when its use is abused. You boyfriend might have some relations with his dealer and he might endanger your life if you threathen to report him.


I understand that you're in love with him and love can do miracles. The problem is that love is not all in a relationship. There is also compromise and reponsibilty.


With what your boyfriend is doing, I would say he's not really responsible with his own actions.


I hope this has helped you. Forgive me for being straight-forward.

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thanx lots and i am goin to tell him to stop.i hate drugs so much.Even smoking cigrettes.When i was little my dad use to smoke and every time he did i would cry so he stoped smoking infront of me then he stoped smoking period but i don't want to cry every time my boyfriend does drugs i will cry inside but not out .

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