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Why do younger women like older men?

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I have just found out that the person I am dating used to date and was intimate with an older man. She is in her mid 30's and he is in his 70's.


I could see if they had dinner and great converstaion, but getting physical with someone that old just does not sit well with me.


I am trying to understand how she could be attraced to someone so much older. I am also trying not to just walk away from the relationship, so I am looking for somoene who can shed some light on what's going on upstairs.




Any thoughts?



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Possible reasons, in order of what I think it most likely...


1) Need for a father figure/father love

2) Security and quality of life (trips, home, money)

3) Interest in the Person's Experience


I'd have a problem with it I think... it would probably be a deal breaker.

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Some women like to be with old men. They like the fact that the man has resources that they don't have (money, power, knowledge of something that they don't) He handles relationships in a mature manner. They feel like this person can give them something/help them. They trust that the older man will stay with them and be less likely to cheat because they are just happy to be with someone who's young and cute. it may sound superficial, but everyone is a little.


My guess is this girl probably hooked up with the old guy because she liked the way he was treating her. She probably dated a few too many jerks before he came along. And you could be grossed out by it, or you could be happy that she's with you now.

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