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My crush at work keeps walking by my department and looking at me

winter whiteout

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It's over KG and I can never face him again. It is ok that he more than likely is not interested now even if he was before because he has the right to like whoever he wants. I am upset at the way I acted being all nervous and literally SHAKING in his presense. How embarrasing. I was shaking because I was nervous but more so I was shaking from having so much desire for him because most of you know it has been 3.5 years for me since being with someone. This crush has gone on for a year which is too long anyway. I just can't ever face him again. The things I was saying were so stupid. I will NEVER walk past his office again. Thank God there is another way I can walk to avoid seeing him.

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The only way you know that it's over is if you asked him out and he declined you.. We've all had that nervous shaking moment in front of a crush, I know I have, and I got the girl after it was said and done. It couldn't have been that bad! Did you fart in front of him or something?

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He just was not that friendly and it was like he did not care at all what I was talking about. He did not smile that much. I think that said it all.

No,I think you are very wrong! Shy guy's are mysterious and can appear weird.I have a crush at my work that I barely speak to and never smile at and I really don't know why.Maybe I just feel my feelings are painfully obvious.Shy people will often freeze when they are around someone that they are attracted to.I too have done some awkward and weird things around her because of my anxiety.You already heard him telling a friend that he was interested in you,so this certainly isn't over.

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