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Breaking up with my childrens father

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Hey. I am so upset right now. Me and Rob got into a huge fight over what happened Friday night over my cousins house. Rob was working and me and my brother went to My cousins house with Aiden. My aunt was playing with him and she said i could go hang out and she would watch him. We were downstairs watching Grease and i was sitting with my cousins friend joe. Little did I know, Rob had gotten off work early and went home and my mom and dad said we had gone to my cousins. he called her house and my aunt told him that we were still there and that we could come over. I was sitting on joe and little did all of us that rob was at the top of the steps watching. he saw me and joe sitting there and he got pissed and walked out of the house and came home. he confronted me on it this morning. He thinks that I am cheating on him and that this is not his baby that i am pregnant with now. I was only sitting with him and we werent kissing or anything, just sitting there and joe had his arm around me. big deal. i am so upset right now. He even took the engagement ring from me and he left and went to his dads and before he left he said that he would be back tomorrow for his stuff. The only thing that is keeping me alive right now is aiden and this baby. i dont know what to do. please help me!



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I don't think you made a very smart move sitting on Joe...Why did you feel the need to sit on this guy's lap when sitting beside him on the couch gives you the same view of the television? Face it, your fiancee isn't going to believe any of your excuses, because that's exactly what they are: Excuses. He's probably extremely upset right now, and although it doesn't seem like such a big deal in your eyes you should put yourself in his shoes: The woman who's carrying his baby feels the need to get a little too close to men.

He's obviously hurting and I don't think anything you say will make him feel better. Let him cool off before you try to convince him to stay.

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Well did you even apologize to him. It seems to me you are making excuses for yourself, saying that you were only SITTING on him. COme , stop the non sense, fess up to what you did. Apologize to him, give him time alone. Try to be in his shoes. I know if my girlfriend was in the lap of another guy I would be quite upset too.

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What the heck do you mean you were only sitting on him because he was there? That makes NO sense...would you have sat on your brother or sister or Mother's lap like that?



You know darn well that what you did held a sexual component and was not appropriate...even if it was only motivated by the urge to cuddle.


Your fiance has every right to be angry. You need to admit that what you did was wrong, and also admit the reason's that you did it. Saying there was "no reason" is untrue-just a way of avoiding the real motivations, and likely to tick him off even more.


Good luck, girl.

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Ok honey - you're young, he's young.


You didn't seem to be thinking too clearly to sit on another guy's lap - even if it was just for cuddle comfort. I doubt you'd have been too happy in the other position, and that's how you have to look at most things to understand where your partner is coming from. How would you have felt if you came home, he wasn't where you expected, you were asked to come over to where he was and found him with a girl happily ensconced in his lap? Probably not too thrilled, to say the least.


Also consider what you've told us - he's working two jobs to support you and Aiden, and has another baby on the way. While that's commendable - it's stressful, and he's going to be reacting to that as well, just as you find your hormones and stress affect you, his worries about his growing family are going to affect HIM.


Give him a break - just acknowledge what you did was a bit thoughtless of his feelings and was something you hadn't considered, and you can understand why he reacted the way he did. Remember it only takes one person to end a conflict by simply not arguing the point, and saying you can understand where he's coming from - and really meaning it. How sincere you are is going to play a big factor in his reaction towards what you say to him. Sometimes admitting you made a mistake is the only clean and honest way to go.

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I love you with all my heart and I just want to tell you this now before its too late.


I read your post on here last night and I realized how hurt we both were. I didn't think about what it was doing to you too. I took time to think about everything, and I know you would never cheat on me.


I talked to Joe last night and he told me the truth. All you two did, was sit there during the movie. No kissing, no touching, no cheating. I love you Dani. I don't want to lose you and the kids.


I love all 3 of you with all my heart. I don't want to lose any of you.


Danielle Will you be my fíance again???



O Aiden Robert

O Unborn Baby


I love you.

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