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how do i find my inner self...and stop being so shy!!?

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help! ok well ive been a shy girl all my life and now that i have a bf and he wants me to open up to him, its soo hard! he always tells me to express my feelings with him, and i wish i could but i cant...my tongue gets in a knot and i cant talk..also im trying to find my inner self, cuz when ppl ask me things my answer is always I DONT KNOW and i hate that answer! im so sick of it! i want to know wut i do or dont like, wat i want and dont want, also im scared of wut ppl might think of me...and i dont want that..i want to stop being shy and be outgoing and to not give a dam wut ppl think about me....actually ive been gettign better, i was a lot shier before but i wish i was more outgoing....any suggestions!?..please help!....

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You just constantly got to keep working at overcoming the shyness. Try working on topics that are comfortable to you like reading types of books, getting on the computer, yada yada yada. I mean talk about somethings you know you like or don't like that might open up the door for the 'feelings' to be expressed. Don't give up on this. Maybe you might feel more comfortable talking to him on the phone or on the internet about feelings cause they are not staring at you intently for an answer. Good Luck if you need some good topic ideas pm me I got a few up my sleeve that will keep you guys talking.

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17, senior in High school, male.


Shyness... well the way I overcame it was through the past like 4 years of my life. The thing that really sparked it all to start was when I was in a play. i was cast as the lead role and I have serious stage fright. So I went for it and it turned out ok. People enjoyed it and congratulated me. It is just a great feeling. However then I hadn't acted in like 3 years. Finally at the middle of sophomore year to the end of Junior year I finally said "*beep* it" So I just partied it up. Like drinking helps you find another side. You gotta try outlandish things that people or yourself would never find yourself in. These will help you find what you really aspire to be and what you are.


You may think i am crazy, but I will tell you what, I am happy I experemented, I feel like a brand new person


Good luck


For Another

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Don't start drinking, that's just $hitty. Wait until college at least, at least there you will have a little more brains. I've known many a men and women that got nowhere with that strategy.


So... What should you do? Be yourself, talk to your parents. Have fun! Read more books, read the newspaper. Form your own educated opinions on world issues as well as personal things (like your favorite food). This all sounds lame, but it's something people are better at than others (just like everything else in life).


Most of all, be glad you have a caring boyfriend that wants to listen to you. He is looking to learn what your all about, and your lucky he is making the initiative. If you choose to learn from this experience, you'll become a better person because of it.

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