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Flowers on a First Date?!!

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My friend has spoken to a guy just three times in passing. She expressed interest in a date after he asked her and he showed up at her door with flowers for the first date! Now, I'm thinking that's a bit pushy and.. well.. I won't say what she said.


What do you think of this?! I'll tell you what she said in a bit.


Shouldn't flowers be for a more romantic date.. like at the very least.. the 2nd?!

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I guess it's up for your imagination to handle it.


I wouldn't consider it pushy, but my view on dating migt not be considered the "international" way of looking on it.

When I go on a date, I go with a person that I find interesting and could imagine to be a good girlfriend. I never go out with any gal that I don't know anything about.. So No, I would not consider bringing them a flower or two to be considered pushy. Nor would I felt pressured if someone gave me a flower before we went out.


Perhaps the boyah haven't dated much before and this is what he's seen in the movies? One shouldn't expect and treat everyone else with their own ideals as a ruler. You need to give and take, try to understand and not just trash anything that's out of the ordinary.


If a gal would just talk me off for bringing her flowers I would bite her off and be happy on way



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A formal red rose bouquet - to me would be pushy, but something like that would be simply sweet and thoughtful. Flowers don't have to be heavily "love and romance" any more than bringing a bottle of wine to meet someone for dinner - I'd have loved that as well! I think springy, cheerful flowers, especially ones with a nice scent, like daffodils, lilies, freesia, hyacinths, tulips and daisies can be welcome without coming on too strong like the more commonly "romantic" flowers.

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