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Oh, well, I think that I am going to need a bit more info than that, and by the way, don't ever type in all CAPS again. They are used to start a name, sentence or to point something out. Got it? otherwise some people will choose not to respond because ti bugs them, like it bugs me!

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We need more info on your problem. How are we suppose to help you if we don't really know much. I mean think about it all that you typed is like one line that means nothing. Give us all more information and maybe than we can all help you out with your problem. O and one more thing don't type in all caps its really annoying to read.

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ok she waved to me when i was looking at her ass ,in science class i catch her looking at me and when i lookat her make eye to eye she looks's away and plays with her pencle or somrthing like that ,and sometimes in gym she plays ball next to me and smilles to me but the problem is im to shy to know or do anything i hope you can tell by that info thanks a lot sry about the caps im new

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we're gonna need just a little bit more information... I'm assuming she's a real girl... but i don't know anything about her after that... does she wink at you? smile at you? send you letters telling her she likes you? we need to know more buddy...



well i typed up some info but here is some stuff she waved to me one time when i was cheacking her out and she was with here bf in gym she plays next to me and looks over and smilles to me and i catch her looking at me in math class but im really shy thats the problem
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we're gonna need just a little bit more information... I'm assuming she's a real girl... but i don't know anything about her after that... does she wink at you? smile at you? send you letters telling her she likes you? we need to know more buddy...



and how would i let her know i really like her
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We need more info on your problem. How are we suppose to help you if we don't really know much. I mean think about it all that you typed is like one line that means nothing. Give us all more information and maybe than we can all help you out with your problem. O and one more thing don't type in all caps its really annoying to read.
how would i let her know i really like her
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