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can i possibly be pregnant?


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i dont know what is going on. i have these signs that i am pregnant. like i have the afternoon and night sickness, i missed my period i was suppose to get it on the 18 of january, very tender nipples, headaches(not terribly bad but hurts alot), mood swings, emotional, i frequently urinate, tired all the time, eating alot, and i have that discharge thing. i took a test last night but it said i was not preg. and these signs are signs of being preg. right? i have been feeling like this for 3 days or so. was it too soon to take a test? when would be a good time? a few weeks, days? i talked to my husband about it last night he thinks i am and is very happy and if i found out i was i would be very happy to. so... what do you think?

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yes i do think that they are signs and it may have been too early to take the test i would wait a few day and do it again, but you may just be late because some of those signs are normal like being emotional, tender nipples and mood swings, are those signs normal for that time or is it something which you dont experience every month and that is why you think you may be pregnant.

i would just wait a few days and try again

~LJ =;

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You could be pregnant for sure! I took a pregnancy test once because I thought I might be, it came up negative, so I just went about my life. Until I ended up in the ER because I was throwing up blood. I was fine, I had a small laceration from the force of upchucking, I was then informed that I was pregnant, that is why I was throwing up... huh?!? I would wait about a week, Ive read since then, that it pregnancy tests will not be as accurate until 7-10 days after your first missed period. (I think you have to be pregnant about a month before you have enough of the "pregnant hormone" to set off the home tests.


Good Luck!!

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