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I need to know whats going on please!!!

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Me and my Ex broke up a couple of days ago. We broke up because he said that we were going separate ways. He said that he doesnt me anymore( that he only had feelings for me up until the last day) and that the only way to fix this is to remain friends. He said that its not over we're just gonna be friends. His friends say that hes taking it pretty bad. I talk to him and he says that hes doing fine and that hes not hurting or missing me. On top of that he was pissed at me for all that bad things ive been saying.I asked him if he thinks he'll ever have feelings for me and he said he honestly didnt know. I talk to him online and try to make friendly chat but inside im hurting. He says that once he's over all of this that we can sit and talk face to face.He said that things started to go bad in the raltionship and that it was getting worse so he had to get out for his sake but the thing is that i had to ask him if he wanted to end it. He never spoke about what he was feeling and thats were everyhthing went wrong. So if he needs time to get over it, does that mean he still feels something even though he says he doesnt? What am i supposed to do or think? If he said that the only way to fix it is by remaining friends and that its not over and that he still wants me in his life is that supposed to mean that he wants to keep me close so that maybe we can get back together at some point? Should i be hopeful that he'll come back? Ive asked people that know him and they all say thats what it sounds like to me. So please help. Thanks.

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Girl I know exactly how you feel. I had a boyfriend who said he started to become unhappy in our relationship and I was the one who asked if he wanted to break up. He also said he wanted me in his life as friends. Be very careful though cause you might get you heart stepped on. I did I waited and eventually he did come back and ask me back. Then he turned around and did the same thing again saying he just wanted to be friends. All my friends around me said he was real sad and stuff, but whenever I talked to him he was great fine. What I saw in my ex and in the guy you are seeing, he doesn't know what he wants and he wants to sort things out yet he wants you to be there when he does figure it out. I learned my lesson from my ex meaning I'm not waiting around to see if he really wants to be with me. Just be careful with your heart, cause the pieces are alot harder to put back together.

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i just said that he was a jerk for not saying anything and that he was a liar. I also said that he broke my heart. he says i said other things but i didnt. 7 days ago. He didnt say what things started to go bad. he just said that things were different and they werent getting good.

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