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To Varsha Khana (1986-2002) R.I.P.

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i never thought it would happen to you

you were so full of life and energy

you were immortal, and unhurtable

standing there in the grey sacramento fog

waiting till the yellow bus sailed by


what was it like i wonder

did it hurt, was there fear

when i heard, i coulnt believe

i would have sooner thought

the moon to cease to shine


and i remember the tears

not mine of course, but of those around me


the language i didnt understand, but i knew

what was being said. not the words,

the words might have been in hindi

but the soul was that which matched my own


your face was so pale and peaceful, i

thought you would wake up

and then we would laugh about it

but u didnt


then i was in my bedroom

staring at the crack in my ceiling

and fell from my eye

a single moist tear

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