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im not sure if shes faking it or why she would

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the other night i had an inimate phone conversation with one of my best friends. We both acted like it was a joke and the next day we were fine. She and I go very well together, its easy to talk, we just start talking, we joke and flirt all the time, she spends at least 10 times more attention on me than any other boy. I really like her and i told her last night and she told me she liked me too and when we were out back of the school the next day, after it was over, we were going to kiss but then she sortof pulled away and told me that her dad was coming soon. But i knew it was because she didnt want anyone to see us because we hadn't told anyone we were together so i didn't think much of it. So i talked to her on the phone just now and she said that she didn't want anyone too see us and that she thought it would be awkward. I think its probably because weve been friends so long and just got together and we havnt told anyone, so it would be hard to keep it in. She had found out a few months ago that my friend had feelings for her and she did for him, but they didnt go very deep and he never went out with her or anything so its fading fast and we decided to wait a month before telling people about us so it didnt look like she had been with me the whole time she had said she liked my friend. But he doesnt like her anymore and doesnt care so were just waiting a bit. Thats why i think she didnt want to kiss, because she wouldnt want to be seen. She also said that it would be weird in high school next year, even though we already get together and see eachother like every weekend, so i told her we would still be together and she said ya, i know, my dads just nearby and he doesnt know, so im acting like were breaking up. But she only said that after she saw how sad i was and i asked her if her feelings for me were real, which i think they were. She said that she cared deeply for me and told me shed call me back later after dinner and told me to watch a movie to keep my mind off her till she calls.do u think she loves me for real?

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Nice to hear that you and ur best friend are going pretty well. Perhaps you need to take it easy. I'm sure that she at least considers the possibliity of u's getting together or there'd b no way she'd even let u get close to her lips. I think maybe she's just having second thoughts about developing ur friendship to something more, it happens all the time, that might be the reason why things are a bit awkward right now. In addition, if she's young, maybe she's not allowed to date anyone yet. There's a lot of possibilities and you could be better off asking her urself.


Give it sometime, she might see through it and not pressure her too much into anything, just remind her that you are around and what you feel for her.



Happy Heb

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Hey Anon! You've just absent-mindly performed what I like to call the kiss test. What you can get from this is that she isn't comfortable with the idea of you two being in a relationship. I can understand not wanting to kiss right in front of your parents but knowing they were coming... seems a bit too cautious to me.


Not to worry though I think she does like you, and as far as love I'm not really sure. It could be there or it could be forming. I don't think she has told you a word of a lie yet though, but I wouldn't try to start anything. Right now doesn't seem to be the time.


I hope this helps.

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