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older bf wants to do stuff with me..but i dunno how

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Ok, I have an older boyfriend (we are both teenagers) and we've been together for over a week now. He wants to do some intimate stuff with me but I already told him that I'm not ready for sex just yet and he said he understands and that it isn't a must for him. He told me that it was up to me if we do it or not. Anyways, I have never really gotten that intimate with anybody and I was just wondering how exactly you do stuff to a guy and what you do if he's doing stuff to you. I've never done anything more than kiss so I'm kinda new at all this.

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if you are not ready to have sex then you don't do it. he needs to respect that, you are not a toy that he can just have for whatever he wants. besides you have only gone out for a week...are you seriously going to let him even try to talk you into having sex already. don't do it! you will regreat it later, trust me. hon if you need to talk just pm me okay.

love you,


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As QTpie Said.. If you're not ready for sex don't Do it!. And trust me You've only been going together for a week and he already wants to go that far? What makes you think that just as soon as he gets what he wants from you He's still going to be around? Think about it. You said you are both teenagers but he is still older, Alot of teenage guys are only out for pleasure. So just be careful and make sure you are ready. Besides, you said he understood that you arent ready to go farther, why are you going to push the issue? If he understands why don't you just wait until you guys can actually say you two are in love and are ready for that commitment. Take it from me, I'm 16 and lost my virginity when I was 14 and I did it because I felt the pressure and need to sleep with my bf at the time to keep him, Cause he was older and I wanted him to be happy and Thought that sleeping with him for make him stay around. Needless to say He didn't stay around long after that so not only did I Lose the guy I thought I was in Love with and thought loved me, I had something taken from me that I wanted one day to give to the person I loved and now That's no longer possible. So Just make sure you are ready! and when you are ready as things go alone you will know what to do. But, Good Luck.

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I agree.... don't do it. I lost mine way too early and then got pregnant at 17. If I could go back in time, I wouldn't have slept with most of the guys I slept with, cause, if you can guess, none of them stuck around very long, or I dumped them cause they weren't what I really wanted, I was confused and didn't know what real love was, and was trying to please them. Think about it like this, when you don't know if you really love someone, ask yourself if you'd step in front of a speeding bullet for him without even thinking about it..... if the answer is no, he's most likely not the one for you. ..... stand your ground!!!!

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Okay I think everyone's avoided your question long enough.


All you really need to do is what comes naturally. When you're touching him just do whatever you feel like. If he tells you to do something then do it otherwise assume you're doing a good job. The same is when he's doing stuff to you. If you like what he's doing tell him. If you want him to do something tell him.


It's not easy... but it comes with time. Everyone is really different, and guys are relatively easy to please.


A word from the wise though, the further you go the further you'll want to go. Be careful

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