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Will he come back?? Please advise!

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Thank you for reading my post...


My ex and I are both business professionals in our late 20's.


Doug and I dated for 5 months. He seemed to always want to be with me, but did not have strong feelings for me.


We decided to date other people, and long story short, Doug and I decided to just be best friends. After about 2 months we started to see one another, kiss, and sleep together.


2 days ago I told Doug that I could not be friends with him anymore as I wanted more from a relationship. He said, "Are you sure you want to do this?" I told him that I felt like I desearved someone who loved me, had passion for me, and wanted to be with me. Enough is enough of the casual sex relationship. I does not make me feel good about myself and I can't be with you and move on with my life.


What I really want is for Doug to realize how important I was to him and for him to contact me. Do you think this will happen, or should I completely write off this relationship and keep dating the nice person who I have been seeing for about 2 months??


Thank you for replying...I need help!

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hmmmm he did say "is this what you really want" that seems to me like he might want to commence something with you other than just "friends with benefits" that being a sexual friendship, you feel like you want more than just that, a relationship with someone you can love, and they love you the same, I see your point here...


I can't totally agree with what the other poster said, but it could be what he is thinking, he is all about "just sex" if that is what he wanted, Well than he got it... and that may very well be how he wanted it to stay, well you woke up, and i have to give you credit on that. so really you flipped the script, and now your putting him in a logjam...but it's for the good, now your going to see what his TRUE intentions are.. just be patient, if he wants you for love not just lust...I'm pretty sure he will be contacting you on that offer.

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I am starting not to be able to sleep very well, and this is all that I think about! I need to be the strong, attractive, comfindent woman that i am in order to find peace in all this. Do you think I should call him and tell him that I want to be friends as long as we can not be sexual intimate with one another?

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