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scared to tell my mom.....

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ok so my mom keeps on asking me all the time if i'm having sex...and well i am but i can't tell her because i dont know what she will do and how she will take it.

but i really want to be put on the pill. and she kind of sounds as tho she is cool with putting me on the pill but then she said that she doesn't want to b/c then thats just telling me that i can go and have sex...but i dont know how to really tell her that i am. she is one of them very over proctive mothers.

but my b/f and me were thinking that maybe we should just tell her together...b/c she asks us if we are having sex when we are together...like she will just ask out of the blue.

i would really like some help on this SOON!


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hey crazygirl69,

i think the best thing to do is be open with her ... tell her that your having sex ... and tell her that your being safe about it .... im sure she's not bothered about the fact that you are having sex .. i bet she's just worried you'll come home pregnant .... as for going on the pill... you dont need your parents permition.. just go down to your local youth clinic and ask to be put on it .. and they will

Hope this was some help

Good luck

Mrsmalakian x

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i would like to offer some help because i know alot about this topic. if you choose ot to tell your mom that you are having sex, then that's your decision. however, i do suggest that you go to your local clinic immediately so that you can be put on some type of birthcontrol. from the sounds of it, you seem pretty young and might be afraid of confidentiality. planned parenthood is completely confidential and FREE. go to their website link removed to find the location nearest you. make an appointment and tell them what you're coming in for. when you go in, they'll give you free birth control and plenty of condoms. if you have any questions, feel free to contact me.



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If your mom is asking you about it there's a pretty good chance she already suspects it. I think you should go ahead and be open with her. Chances are she wants to make sure you are safe and protected. Yes she may try to talk you out of it, but thats what parents are supposed to do So if you can sit through her speech about it, then things will be easier because its out in the open.


Believe me, she'd much rather hear that you are having sex and help you get birth control and such than have you and your boyfriend approach her later and say "Um Mom, I'm pregnant".

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i think that it will be very hard for you to tell her, but it is something that needs to be done. it will be weird at first but it will be okay, she would prob. feel better that you were telling her the truth about it. make sure your bf feels comfortable being there though, it may just be a convo. between you and your mom, but if your bf joined i don't know if that would be a good or a bad thing. about the birth controle though and i mean it when i say listen up for your own good! when i started to take it, it was okay for a while, but then it messed with my hormones so much that ,i am not joking at all when i say, it made me crazy so i couldn't controle how i felt or acted and i would feel horrible all the time. this is not to be taken lightly. i really don't want to freak you out or anything, but from expericance, i just want to warn you. it doesn't do this to all girls, but man when it does watch out!

well good luck,

love Qtpie87

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I don't really think a parent should know what you are doing, as long as your safe with it. I suggest the birth control pill.


Its kinda different/hard for me to say cuz my GF's mom knows we are. Her mom told her she knew. Her mom is not a control freak so its a bit different but my mom is a control freak. I never told or will ever tell her that I am having sex. It is not her business and I will feel in a sense violated of my privacy. That and I don't want her looking down upon me. Now it is more comfortable but at the same time, you have got to consider the thoughts that will go through your parents head. It really does become awkward for me to sit down at dinner with her parents.


So I would say follow what others are saying, go to a birth control center and stuff. If my mom were asking me if I were having sex I would just simply tell her no and the reasons I wouldn't have sex. Just BS her, persuade her to think otherwise. But don't go too intense. Be like, no mom I wouldn't do it before I got married and stuff. Its a simple way of getting her off your back. Then you can yell at her everytime she asks you

Heh.... its kinda harsh but it will keep it out of her head.


For Another

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hey! just recently, i went to the doctor and me and my mom have been discussing being put on birth control. She also was reminding me that getting put on birth control isnt her telling me to go out and have sex. I guess, since she always tries to have fun and act my age she remembers what it was like to be my age, so she accepts that it's my choice. i think the best thing to do is just tell your mother whats going on, then she'll have to accept it and get off your back about it. or, if you really would prefer not to tell your mom (because i think it is my business not my moms) then just tell her that it's your life, and she needs to stop worrying about it and trust you to make the right choices. it might be a good idea to remind her of how she felt when she was your age?


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my mother found out i had sex just once and now she has gone bilistic on me. she got mad cuz i didn't tell her the truth (which i did when she asked) she freaked on me and she said i wasn't aloud to do as much with him. then later she punished me more when she told my dad who was very mad and said that i am grounded till i am 16 i can't date till then i might not get my drivers license and i can't go to a dance that i have been looking forward too all year cuz it would be our 1 year anniversary in which he can't go anyways. my ma hates my boyfriend and thinks he is a bad kid and doesn't like his parents cuz they understand what was going on. my ma said that i lied to her and played her for a fool which i didn't i told her the truth and how i felt. and now i am being punished for my love for another person.

o don't mean to scare you or anything but you have already lied to her and she might or might not understand. i know that a lot of parents are easier to deal with considering my ma is bipolar and my dad grew up with an abusive father so i know they are just trying to protect me. but make sure that your mother will respect your decisions and understand the reasons you have done it. and tell her that you want it to be safe.

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