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What Am I Supposed to Do? Please help!

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What are you supposed to do if you love someone but you don't seem to be able to tell them and when you see them it is very infrequent and its not for a lenghty period of time?


This person is in my opinion is amazing - great personality with the looks to match. I am able to talk to her very easily and we always have a great laugh. Although I seem to be inable to take it further than just being good friends [especially the night when i spend nearly 2 hours just me and her talking]. She has always been very touchy feely with me (but she is in most cases like that with the people she gets on with), kisses on the cheek (odd time on the lips), playful slaps and recently she lay accross me while sitting on the couch, pretty much for the durations we were sitting there (although we were with other friends and it was her legs to my knees). I know she likes me as a friends but I don't know whether she likes me any more than that.


What should i do to see if she likes me more than just a friend without being obvious and without telling her my feelings?

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well if you want to know that from her then i think it is only fair if you share your feelings also. sometimes girls will say that they only like you as a friend if they are worried that you don't like them back in retern. well i think that you should ask her how she feels. don't try to get it out of her. that is manipulation (sorry i can't spell) well i just think that you want an honest answer from her so give her an honest answer. it sounds to me like she really likes you. go for it dude!well love ya, and if you have anymore questions then private message me.

love Qtpie87

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If you want to know if she is interested, without asking directly or blurting out how you feel, you need to read her body language.


Among the biggest tell tale signs are eye contact and how is it is made, whether she touches you and how she reacts to your touch, how she appears when you talk to her, etc.


Good signs: repeated eye contact, head tilted with eye contact, eyes look down to break eye contact, posture becomes more attentive when you are present or begin to talk to her, she turns her body towards yours, she sticks out her chest in your direction, her posture and baring are open to you (her arms are not crossed, her hands are open, etc.), she crosses and uncroses her legs while talking to you, she touches herself sensually, she caresses something else sensually, particularly if using an up and down motion, and quite a number of others.


The things is there are a large number of things that can indicate interest. You can watch for clusters of those signs and look for more than one. A cluster is when she exhibits two or three. If she does that two or three times toward you, it is a good sign of interest.


My advice here has to be to watch your attitude towards her. You do not want to be too nice, so that there is no mystery or challenge to you. You cannot act with submissive or apologetic body language or speak in those tones. You cannot act like you are pleading for her to give you her approval. If you talk, and talk, and talk, and talk, then do nothing, you seem asexual and she stops seeing you as a potential bf. You need to exhibit some (not much) but some level of sexual aggressiveness towards her. If you send signals with body language that you are interested and want her, she is more likely to think of you as a potential bf.


So the sum of my advice is to learn how to read her and send your own body language.

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Hi Danny


I fully agree with Qtpie. From a female's point of view, it sounds like she really fancies you. I certainly don't drape my legs over a guy if I don't like them. I'd go for it and make a move on her. Sounds like you have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain.


Wish you luck



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