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okay so this is it.

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well as you know (some) my ex was thinking about everything this weekend, about what he wants and if he may want to start over with me. well this is right before first hour and im taling to him 4th. i just gotta know, if you were him, how do you think would be the best way to ask for forgivness and for another chance. im basically spilling my heart out to him. so i just want to know if just asking for it or doing something else would be a good idea. if anyone has any ideas please share! i have another 2 1/2 hours to think this through.


love Qtpie87

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I have to agree with the above.


If you keep making yourself available to this guy, he knows he can have you whenever he wants you. He can take his time, have fun with the barbie, then come back to you when he is done with her or she is done with him. Give him the idea that you might not be there forever, and he is more likely to come back to you.


So you should tell him soemthing like "I'm crazy about you, but I cannot keep throwing myself out there for you. If you want me let me know, otherwise I will find someone who does."


If you think about it, the night you went out and had fun, some other guy did want you. You can find someone who does, rather than keep chasing this guy.

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I was just wondering what did you do to him that made you guys breakup. Did you cheat or lied to him. The problem is that you are the one that is asking forgiveness. It really depends on him whether or not he wants to give you another chance. But ask yourself this is he really woth for you to go through all this anguish. I know that all of us in this forum would say yes it is worth to have an chance to get back with your ex. Make sure to let him know that you do care for him, but you can mentally deal with the idea of the waiting game. If you're really sorry for the all mistakes that you have committed in relationship and he is not willing to forgive you for it. Then take as really painful lesson for the next relationship you have. I know is hard because I been down this road before. Wanting to get back with my ex and knowing that I was the one who made the mistake of throwing all this away and having to live with it for the rest of my life. Was really painful for me, but I got through and that I realize that I was sorry all the pain that I caused her and I during our relationship.


Make sure to let him know that you are not going to just wait here for him to decided because you're no one's backup plan. Is not fair to you and I wouldn't want you to go through that. As you know I am going through kind of the similar situation. Just realize that is their lost if they don't recognize the goodness in you. I know is really difficult to put all this in action. Time would tell what happens in the future and that maybe you guys will get back together or you have moved on/ found somebody else. But make sure be strong for yourself.



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well i would just let go of it all together, only i do still love him and today things between us got like a million times better after i talk to him, so im just young and very confused. well thankyou all anyway, and i really do listen to your opinions or i just wouldn't ask. its just so much eaiser said then done.

well see ya,

love Qtpie87


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