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Confused about feeling exposure

Sure Shot

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I really need some advice on what I should do about this girl.

I have been seriously attracted to this one girl for a while. She recently broke up with her boyfriend(guy didn't care about the relationship), and I have been trying to get things going with her. She has told my good friend that she is interested in me but isn't sure if now is a good time. She goes back and forth from wanting a relationship to just almost a friends with benefits thing. She is not aware that I know what she told him. I have talked to her and another problem is, is that her friend, who has a boyfriend, yes she has a boyfriend, has told her that she is also interested in me. I just think that is totally crazy. This is discouraging the girl that I would like to be with. She has talked about this problem with me but she refers to "the guy" (me) as just a guy. I don't really want to just confess how I feel to her since I am not supposed to know she is interested in me. I would think that would be akward if she liked some guy, I knew about it, but regardless just told her how I felt. Even if I am that guy.

I may have one of my friends just try to drop the hint that I am interested but thinks she likes another guy so I am going to back off. Is that a good idea? I am really confused about how I could be with this girl. I think that once the feelings are out in the open the situation will go easier and everything can be solved but I don't know how to get them out there.

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hey Sure Shot,


well the way i see it, if your absolutely sure you want to come clean about your feelings then do so. As you mentioned, alot of emotions are making people confused, and you speaking out will clarrify things abit. If she just came out of a relationship however she might not take up your offer right away. the way i suggest you do this is to say you are willing to become good friends with her and be there for her, but your feelings go much further, and your willing to wait until she is ready.


Her reaction to this will determine whether or not anything will come about. If she agrees to the friendship but is not interested in anything with you either now of in the future, then you have to decide whether or not you could deal with just friendship with her. if not, then its best to drop both options. Just make sure you do not enter a relationship with her straight away, being the rebound boyfrined is not where you want to be if you wish to last long.


Before you do come clean however, try and think of likely possibilities to her reactions. this should also alter your choice to tell her. either way i wish you luck with it, take care!



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