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Why do I keep doing this?!?!

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Hey all, something just happened to me last night, and i wanted to share in hopes that someone out there has gone thru what I am going thru.


Let me just remind you all, I have been thru alot these past few years. I just recently got out of a very abusive relationship; this man literally tried to destroy me. SO finally, after so long, i woke up and realized I deserved better, so I left.


These past 2 months, i have been seeing another guy. As crazy as it sounds, we have never actually hung out, like went to go see a movie or go out to eat. Its mainly been us hanging out at his house. So last night, I send him a text message saying hi because I hadnt heard from him in a few days. He texts me back, and were texting eachother for nearly an hour. He asks if I want to come over, i say yes. Then he calls, and asks what im doing. I said i was getting ready to get dressed to come over. Then out of nowhere, he says this, "Look im going to be honest, I just got a new phone and i really don't know who this is"....i'm like what the hell?!?! How are you gonna talk to me for over an hour and not even know who I was?? So im really mad, and i hang up the phone. It only takes him a quick second to realize who i was, then he texts me apologizing. This for some reason really made me up. Who plays games like that?? And from what he said, he indicated that he invites random women over who he doesnt even know. So after that, i find myself completely going off on him. I tell him im tired of him, im always doing stuff for him, and next time he needs something he needs to call up one of the other females he talks to, just real hurtful things. He keeps trying to apologize but im not trying to hear it. Im so upset, i literally cried myself to sleep, and i woke up this morning and my eyes were literally swolllen shut.

When i woke up, i looked at the messages i sent, and i was really disapointed in myself. I called up my best friend, who is also friends with him, and she was able to calm me down. She called him to see how he was feeling about it, and he said he really felt bad for doing that and he was going to call me because we needed to talk about where its going between us.


I just dont understand why i keep doing this. Almost every man ive been with has done me wrong in some way. So because of that, i keep taking it out on the next man when i dont mean to, but im so afraid of being hurt. He probably thinks im really crazy now, which i can understand. I just isnt fair to have to make him pay for what my exs did to me, but it's really hard. I am trying so hard to not be like this, and i see progress in myself, but still, i dont want to scare him away. Does anybody understand what im going thru??

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Yeah I agree. This guy should know who you are by now. If he didn't save your number right away then you obviously do not mean all that much to him. Also, he has no business inviting a potential "random" girl over to his house when he has been seeing you. Leave him. Don't beat yourself up over this.


On another note, you should learn to trust your future flings because comparing guys to your ex's can be a very TOXIC habit that you can develope. Just be careful not to take your anger out on any new guy that you start dating. Give everyone a fair chance.


I like to live by "innocent until proven guilty" rather than "guilty until proven innocent"

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I'm sorry to hear that you just got out of an abusive relationship.


But, do you really think this one is much better?


It sounds like you're not the only girl who comes over to his house just to hang out.


He has never taken you out on a real date. Are you willing to settle for just that?

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