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Girl in my math class.... Help... How do i know if she likes

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I met this girl, in my math class, we site right next to each other every day.. We talk, I've asked her out couple of times if she would like to get together and do something... First time I asked... She said sure, but she then told me she has to work...She didnt even suggest another day or anything. I let another week pass by and asked again, and she says she working that day, but call her later... I mean, we talk in calss room, she smiles at me and everything... What do I do, I really like her ? How can I tell her that... Do you think she may like me or she may have no intereset in me... I am really confused.. plz help

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  • 10 months later...

Well, at least you have the courage to make a move on someone you think likes you, much unlike my shy friend breakdancer, who can't seem to find it in himself to ask out a girl he truly feels likes him. Anyway, regardless of all of that, I think that you should go at it agian, but make it more personal. Aske her out for dinner or something to "get to know her better", this will go over quite well, I am sure. Another thing I thought I should mention is the fact that I think that she might be playing "hard to get" and wants to make sure that your intentions are genuine as a ersult of past experiences or difficulties.


One way to be more so certain as to if she likes you or not is to look deeply into her eyes whenever she is talking to you. Girls tend to appreciate this and become more accepting/willing to go out with you. It makes them feel like they are the only ones in your world and helps to develop a sort of trust.


Good luck with her and any future endeavours. Just make sure that your intentions are genuine, true and respectful.

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Hi there,


JohnDoe made some REAL good suggestions here. I have one more addition: next time you ask her out and she says she's working again, ASK her what is more convenient to her. Make her set a date. I don't see that as a bad thing.


I admire your courage to ask her out. Never loose that courage... you're doing GREAT!


Good luck!


~ SwingFox ~

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