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More girls problems.......


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So there is this girl at work that I was attracted to. I asked her for her number and she said no. Well first she said yes, but she needed to do something first, and then she said no she doesn't date at work. Well I teased her about it and she said if I gave her my number she would call me. She didn't of course. Well that was several months ago and I have completely backed off, for the most part I don't talk to her but to say the daily hi(we work together).


Now today I was walking along and she came up behind me and said hi. She didn't have to say hi. I didn't even see her when she came right next to me until she touched me to get me attention. I like this girl and I don't know why. It's almost obsessive. She chose to say hi to me and I don't know why. At work by all examples she chooses not to be around me, or rather chooses to hang out with someone else. I just so don't understand this. The worst part about this is that she was probably just being nice and has no idea that this guy likes her with a crazed intensity.



Edit this happened not during work, on a sunny day outside.

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Yeah, she does give off the vibe like she is either deep in thought or trying not to think. The vibe like she is trying to figure things out and is having no luck. You are right though, if she does like me at all, then the last thing I should is to push her.

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how old do you think she is or know she is? she sounds immature and playing little games with you. like 'i can get his number and make him want me, but i won't call.' that's what it sounds like to me.[/quote, but




I'm 22 and I'm pretty sure she is 21-23. She might be playing games, but I have met some girls that don't even know there playing games, because there playing games with themselves.

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how old do you think she is or know she is? she sounds immature and playing little games with you. like 'i can get his number and make him want me, but i won't call.' that's what it sounds like to me.[/quote, but




I'm 22 and I'm pretty sure she is 21-23. She might be playing games, but I have met some girls that don't even know there playing games, because there playing games with themselves.


that's why i don't date girls like that. they don't know what they want usually.

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Do yourself a favor right now. Forget her! You've already blown it from what it sounds like. If you've already shown what just asking for the number does(avoiding each other) then what the hell do you think will happen when things in the relationship hit a rough patch. By giving her your number to you blew it. That is generally perceived as low value behavior.


You even said you like her with a crazed intensity. I cringed when I read that. Seriously the chase was over before you first started talking to her. You'll be showing needy approval seeking behavior around her if you haven't started already just by claiming you like her with a crazy intensity. Forget her move on and look for girls outside work.


I hope you learn the right way to attract girls. I wish you well sir

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Do yourself a favor right now. Forget her! You've already blown it from what it sounds like. If you've already shown what just asking for the number does(avoiding each other) then what the hell do you think will happen when things in the relationship hit a rough patch. By giving her your number to you blew it. That is generally perceived as low value behavior.


You even said you like her with a crazed intensity. I cringed when I read that. Seriously the chase was over before you first started talking to her. You'll be showing needy approval seeking behavior around her if you haven't started already just by claiming you like her with a crazy intensity. Forget her move on and look for girls outside work.


I hope you learn the right way to attract girls. I wish you well sir


Blunt, but not showing neediness around her sound like good advice.

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You know the real problem is not that I think she likes me and won't admit it, the real problem is that there is no one else I like. I work with this lady, so telling me to forget about it is terrible advice unless I'm going to quit. I think my best bet is to just back off from her like I already have and if anything ever happens later in life then hey thats awesome. I will continue my search for a better lady, but I have been in love only once in my life and I know how good it feels, and how hard it is to find someone you have the capacity to feel it for.

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i really hope you aren't saying love and this girl in the same sentences. you haven't even gone out with her. you displayed your interest. she didn't. it is a good idea to take off the blinders and look around.



I'm not saying love for her. I'm saying my ability to love really only extends to a few potentials in all of my life. Don't worry, I'm not delusional........yet.......

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