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what to think about some news

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me and my ex have been broke up for 2 months now and i have just recently found out that 3 days after the break up she went clubbing and met another guy. she did every thing but have sex with him. that was just 3 days after the break up and she had told me she didnt want to get back with me. i also found out she phoned her ex up who told her to get lost. i do still like her and want to be JUST friends however when we broke up she didnt want to be friends or anything. and about 1 month ago i txt her asking if we could be friends and she said definitely not. she didnt give me a good reason for breaking up and we were together for 2 years i am 19 and she is 17. i am hoping 1 day that she will want to be friends again.


i honestly cant believe she did those things so soon after the break up i am more amazed than hurt, as i loved her morethan any thing and thought she would atleast wait a few months.

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after you broke up, maybe she didn't want to have contact with you, either for your sake or hers. she might have felt that it would be better if you both got over each other completely. thats just what i think might be going on. i can't be sure though cause i don't know much about your situation. about the thing with the other guy. i don't think it means any thing against you. some people do it. maybe she just wanted to feel "loved" by a guy again. you shouldn't worry about it though.

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ill try not to worry about it then but i always jump the gun and i think i have probabally just wrecked all chances of becoming friends with her because i sent her a txt message saying i herd about the things she has been gerin up 2 and i was amazed cos i didnt think she was like that....also wished her merry xmas and happy new year.....i know the merry xmas was a day late but better late than never....i also sent her another msg saying look that msg wasnt meant to cause n e trouble just thought id say merry xmas...


i do still care for this girl a lot and want to be friends but it doesnt look like its going to happen now. i cant believe how stupid i can be...hope she doesnt take it to heart

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its completely normal to jump to conclusions, people do it all the time. but really, we shouldn't. it just makes us upset, worried, or confused, or whatever. i think right now, the best thing for you to do is give her space. maybe it wasn't a smart idea to send her a txt telling her that you couldn't believe what she would do, but you cant undo what you did, so don't think about it. i mean, technically she can do what she wants with who she wants now since shes not with you anymore. well, you can't undo the past, so just don't even think about it any more. just give her space right now. one day she will realize that she misses your friendship. but don't wait around for her. who knows when it could happen?

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i really hope she does realise that she misses me because she hasnt so far. and to me all hopes look very small. basically the relationship was good for a year then we started the fighting. until 1 day she just broke it off with me because she said the spark had gone. (i understand with us fighting and that, however i wanted to remain friends). one day i hope she can bring her self to talk to me because i really think we would get along great as friends.


i think the problem in our relationship was seeing each other too much, that just causes problems after problmes

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