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european women vs. north american women


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I think these are really too broad categories to make generalizations about and thereforeee.. you can't really say anything, in general. There are many differences between countries/nations within Europe and North America: i.e. Mexican woman vs. Norweigan woman vs. "American" (and so many categories within that, and nationalities....) I don't know... I just think it's best to focus on the woman you like and not try to label them.

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This is too broad a question to be able to discuss in just one post. Women in all kinds of countries are different for various reasons - culture, the way they're brought up economical standing, education, even just the region they come from can be an influence. Europe is a big continent with a vast array of peoples, and the US is a country with different states, each unique in its own way. It would be almost impossible to choose one stereotype to represent a continent like Europe and a country like the US. Having lived in two European countries, I can tell you there are vast differences in women between the two as well as vast differences in each country depending on region. And the whole thing only gets more complicated after that

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I've heard one difference, however, being that Europeans are more "open-minded" and less to themselves/selfish than Americans. This may be influenced by their socialist type of culture and they tend to be a bit more friendly than Americans. This is again, a generalization...

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I've heard one difference, however, being that Europeans are more "open-minded" and less to themselves/selfish than Americans. This may be influenced by their socialist type of culture and they tend to be a bit more friendly than Americans. This is again, a generalization...


And a big one! Its really off when it comes to a lot of people I know from both sides of the pond.

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I've heard one difference, however, being that Europeans are more "open-minded" and less to themselves/selfish than Americans. This may be influenced by their socialist type of culture and they tend to be a bit more friendly than Americans. This is again, a generalization...


Again, this depends on where you are. I have friends who moved to Paris and the exclaim how hard it is to enter a circle of friends in France, even though they are friendly at first to outsiders. Of course, this may just be a case of my friends meeting the wrong groups of people. And I've met some very very unfriendly Europeans, but it isn't because they were from Europe, only because they weren't very nice people

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Certainly there are differences. But they are not really capable of being swept into that general a swath -- there are huge differences in culture *inside* Europe, for example. Women in Norway are rather different from women in Greece, for example. Europe is a big, diverse place, so it's really hard to generalize.

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European men think American women are easy


American men think European women are sex godesses


Its hard not to generalize about generalizations.LOL!


And smoe other cultures think american women are the apex. LOL


Generalizations yes ! But they do exist for sure in the minds of many!


Bottomline its easier sometimes to fantasize about those we are not.

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European women are generally more liberal and open-minded. American women tend to be more independent and assertive. This is for various cultural and political reasons. I don't know why everyone has to be so PC about it. It's clear that there are differences.


So European are passive and dependent and Americans are closed minded?


Generalizations aren't going to fit entire continents.

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I will probably get slandered for saying this but the only noticeable difference I found, in general, between european and north american women is that european women seem to be more varied and original be it style, looks and personality while the north american tend to be very much "follow the leader type" be it in style, looks, personality, etc. I know this may not be an accurate representation of all women but this is my opinion only from my limited experience.

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European women are generally more liberal and open-minded. American women tend to be more independent and assertive. This is for various cultural and political reasons. I don't know why everyone has to be so PC about it. It's clear that there are differences.


Where's your proof?


Also, when you talk European, you need to define further. The cultures of Northern America and Canada are fairly similar. Europe is pretty much blown wide open. You couldn't compare European women to each other in the same way as we all have our own histories, countries, languages, societies ect...

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I'm a first generation male in America, and I still have a lot of family in Europe who I do visit.


There are always some bad apples, but women from my European country generally are:


- Naturally gorgeous - no need for make up, and most don't wear it. Only for very formal events like weddings.

- Tasteful in there clothing style; nothing tacky; no accessories.

- Smart in a practical sense. You are raised with how to cook, clean, tend to family, etc. at a very young age. Many guys are like this too. I learned how to cook a full meal, scrub a whole house down, and clean everything in the kitchen before 10.

- Good/strong family values. The family unit rules over friends; friends seem to rule over family in America, especially among youth.

- Religious. No Bible thumpers, but you attend service weekly, believe, etc.

- Conservative in general. Most don't understand what feminism is about. My mom and sister are still confused with this concept, it's because they don't really understand many cultural aspects that led to feminism coming about. The culture in Europe is very different in this aspect.

- Prude. Some are more liberal sexually, but most don't sleep around and hook up with guys.

- Open-minded; interested in trying new things and meeting new people.

- There is nothing wrong with being bare chested at a beach; that's how you tan.

- We eat everything, but especially hearty meals. Being health conscious isn't really understood, but genetics rule for us here.

- Many do smoke and drink; it isn't frowned upon - it's culture.

- Enjoy enertaining guests.

- Enjoy traveling.


This isn't complete, nor does it tell the whole story, but it's a glimpse into one particular culture in Europe. Now I have met other men and women from other European cultures and it's different, but America vs. Europe is very, very different in terms of beliefs and culture, no question. Almost all would rather be in America though because you will never have the same level of opportunity here - America is filled with it. Out there, you honestly don't have much to aspire to in some countries.

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My male French cousin who at the time was in his late 20s said he likes that American girls are bubbley/giddy/silly and easy to have a good time with. Basically said that French girls are more complicated and that their walls are harder to break. His male friend who was with him also said that he likes how American girls smile a lot.


My female French cousin who is in her 20s said she likes how people in America can ask and answer personal questions about family, divorce and shady topics so openly. She said that people in France wouldn't dare ask someone personal questions. She didn't really talk about French boys, but when she was her she desperately wanted to meet an American boy. She also said that a guy and girl hanging out alone together in France is a big deal.

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I don't have proof. This is just my observation from having lived on 3 different continents.


In many different countries in the continents? Europe is a vast spread of countries and cultures and while you could compare the people from these countries, there's very little point in saying they're the same. In much the same way there's no point in comparing people from North America and South America.

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Every woman's different. Personally I'm bored of women here in the UK, I just don't have much of a connection with them. I find them shallow and generic. My few experiences in North America are better - more sexual chemistry, more conversation, more adventure. But for the average guy who has consistently dated American women may say the complete opposite!

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